Prayer Meeting on Wed. night at 7:00 p.m. We will be continuing the study on Hosea.
Game Night tonight (Jan. 14) beginning with a devotional at 5:15. Bring sandwiches, finger foods, chips, fruit or snacks for a light supper. Stay for volley ball and table games.
Board Meeting Change in Schedule for the month of January. We will meet on Jan. 23 at 6:30 p.m. instead of our regular 3rd Monday.
Baby Shower Come celebrate the upcoming arrival of Chris and Jessica Vejnar’s baby boy (due in Feb) on Jan. 29 from 2-4 p.m. at the Church Community Room. Diapers are needed.
Homeless Project Bring coats, sleeping bags, socks, gloves, sweatshirts, and anything to keep a homeless person warm. We will keep the box in the hallway for 1 weeks. Your donations will be appreciated.