Life and Ministry
All Church Fellowship Meal will be following the church service today at the youth center. If you are visitor please come and join us.
Church Business Meeting on Sunday evening, April 28, 2018.
Biking and Hiking this afternoon after potluck. The Junior Sabbath School class are planning two outings for anyone who wants to join. One group will be hiking and the other bike riding, so bring a bike or hiking shoes and water. Join either group. Meet at the church parking lot and have fun. If it is raining we will cancel.
OAA Drama You are invited to the OAA Drama Play at the OAA Auditorium this evening at 6:30 at the OAA Auditorium.
OAA Gymnastics Home Show tonight at 8:30 at the OAA gym. All are invited.
Petty Bible Study this afternoon, Apr. 21. For more information call 479-238-3307
Dorm Dude Reveal Save the date for Sunday, April 29, 4:00-6:00 p.m. Plan now for the Dorm Dude Luau Reveal Party, Sunday, Apr. 29 from 4:00-6:00 p.m. in the Youth Center. Vegeburgers and drinks will be provided. Fruit Kabobs and other side dishes and desserts are needed. If you would like to help with decorations or games, contact D'Rae Krien. To coordinated food contributions, contact Bonnie Pendergrass. Please bring a small gift for your Dorm Dud. The dorm guys have really appreciated their church family, and are looking forward to meeting you!
OAA Spring Concert You are invited to the OAA Spring Concert on Sabbath evening, May 12, at 7:30 p.m, at the OAA Gym.
Gentry Community Prayer Service on the National Day of Prayer is being hosted at the Gentry First Christian Church on May 3, at 7:00 a.m. You may bring your favorite breakfast dish to share for the breakfast. The speaker will be the new pastor for the First Baptist church.
Women’s Bible Study on Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. at Jeanette Pettey’s home. We will be starting a new Daniel and Revelation study from the Voice of Prophecy. Please come and join us. For more information contact Melissa Hanson.
Pathfinder Fundraiser Pathfinders will be having a Tupperware fundraiser. If you would like to support our youth please contact a Pathfinder or their leaders to help. This will only last till April 24 so get your order in as soon as possible. They will get 40% of the profit to benefit their club. For questions contact Haley Robinson 479-549-5720. You may also stop by the church office.