All Church Fellowship Meal following the church service today.
Dorm Dude Reveal Save the date for Sunday, April 29 – 4:00-6:00 p.m. Watch for further information.
Women’s Ministry Monthly Event this afternoon, Apr. 7 at 2:00 p.m. in the Community Room. All women are invited to come and enjoy the ladies singing group from Bentonville, Echoes of Grace.
Pettey Study Group will meet on April 21, at 3:00 p.m. For more information call 479-238-3307.ace.
Support Your Pathfinders by coming Saturday evening, April 14 to the youth center at 7:30 for vespers and a fundraiser to send our Pathfinders to the National Bible Bowl Competition in Florida. Papusa’s will be sold.
Pathfinder Fundraiser Pathfinders will be having a Tupperware fundraiser. If you would like to support our youth please contact a Pathfinder or their leaders to help. This will only last till April 10 so get your order in as soon as possible. They will get 40% of the profit to benefit their club. For questions contact Haley Robinson 479-549-5720. You may also stop by the church office.
OAS Family Fun Run Sunday, April 15 at 8:00 a.m. Pancake breakfast immediately after. Sign-up sheets in the church or school office. $20 adult, $10 kids.
Disaster Training with Lavita Whiteson, with Adventist Community Service Disaster Response, will be here on Sunday morning, April 8, from 10:00 a.m.-12 noon for training In the Community room.
Women’s Bible Study on Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. at Jeanette Pettey’s home. We will be starting a new Daniel and Revelation study from the Voice of Prophecy. Please come and join us. For more information contact Melissa Hanson.
Help Needed If you would like to be involved with a great ministry for our Academy students, were are needing more help with decorating the tables and serving for the monthly breakfast. If you could help please contact Ruth Bonney at 479-283-6705.
Lost Keys If you have lost a set of keys near the Community room door recently, please stop by the church office.
Physical Plant Committee will meet on Sunday evening, April 15, at 6:30 p.m.
Worship Service
11:00 a.m.
Intro Video
Welcome and Prayer James Simmons
Opening Song Hymn No.425
Holy, Holy, Is What the Angels Sing
Children’s Story Pastor Harris
Offering Appeal Dennis Brinegar
Offertory Hymn No. 460
As Water to the Thirsty
Prayer Song Hymn No. 326
Open My Eyes That I May See
Garden of Prayer Mike Hitt
Special Music Estelle Griffin
Sermon Pastor Gil
God’s Outrageous Grace: Pursuing the Prodigals
Closing Hymn Hymn No. 312
Near the Cross
Worship Leader
Paul Bonney
Jackie Wren
Tech Team
Ed Booth, Amy Gil, Joyce Marter, Steve Young