Next All Church Fellowship Meal will be on Aug. 17. Bring plenty of food to share.
Music Ministry Team meeting will be this afternoon, Aug. 11, at 6:00 in the Community Room. Your attendance would be appreciated.
Pettey Study Group will meet on Sabbath afternoon on Aug. 17, at 3:00 the Pettey home. For questions call 479-238-3307.
Ministry Music Team for Kids Come join us on Wed. evening at 7:00 p.m. the Gentry church. Kids that old enough to read through academy age are invited to come learn new songs, how to sing parts, how to perform in front of others, and just have a blast singing together. No registration is required so come and bring a friend. For more information about this program, please contact the church office or Marti Cash.
Church Website Page Check out the NEW look on our website.gentryadventist .org Thank you to Debbie Upson for taking time to update and give our church a new look.
Ladies Save the Date Women’s Ministry is planning a local Women’s Ministry Retreat on Oct. 25,26,27. Watch for more details later. Location will be at the Embassy Suites in Rogers.
Women’s Ministry Friendship Bags We will be circulating friendship bags at church with goodies inside. Take a bag and then replace items in the bag and pass it along to some else. We are reaching out to people we don’t know and would like to get to know better. You are personally to give it to someone and preferably not a family member. If you receive a bag and do not wish to participate return it to greeters stands.
Check Out Both Literature Racks by the front foyer. These papers are for you to take and pass out for outreach.
Sabbath School Counsel Meeting next Sabbath Aug. 17, following potluck at 1:30 p.m. in the Community Room. We need all Adult/ Young Adult and Youth teachers to be sure and attend. It is very important.