Next All Church Fellowship Meal will be on Sabbath, Sept. 1.
Bulletin Deadline for Announcements is Wed. by 10:00 a.m. For worship leaders the deadline is Tuesday.
A HUGE THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HELPED WITH THE ‘GO HEALTHY” BENTON COUNTY FAIR EVENT. God blessed our efforts and we were able to serve at least 1800 people this past week. We want to invite you to celebrate with us the success of this event and share our experiences. Join us, if you can, on Sunday Aug. 26, at 5:00 p.m. the Community Room at the Gentry Church.
Thank You from the family of Alice Campbell A special thank you to Pastor Gil and Pastor Harris for the thoughtfulness of prayer, reading scripture, and visits. Thank you to Ruth Bonney and Eva Hevener for the hour and a half singing songs to our family and mother. Thank you to the Deaconesses for the wonderful meal provided. Words cannot express our appreciation for you prayers, cards and concerns.
Pastor Appreciation is coming soon (Oct. 14). We have a special fund for this event if you would like to contribute to show your appreciation. Mark your tithe and offering envelope “Pastor Appreciation.”
Women’s Ministry End of Summer Event Ice Cream Social on Sunday, Sept. 2, 2:00 p.m. at Wellness Secrets. Please bring your favorite topping. Wellness Secrets will be making our vegan ice cream. We will be serving cookies and brownies, etc. Your children are also invited. This will take the place of our first Saturday of the month meeting. Also please bring several items to bag up for the homeless people. Here is a list of items that are needed.
Maxi pads,
toothbrush and toothpaste nail clippers
band aids chapsticks
comb small brush
mints cough drops
gum, tuna and crackers
granola bar cereal bars
fruit snack applesauce cups
crackers with peanut butter crackers and cheese
gift certificate to fast food, handiwipes
pack of Kleenex, socks
note of encouragement or uplifting Bible verse.
Please RSVP to Dona Young by Mon. Aug. 27. This would be a good time to invite your friends, family and neighbors.
Address for Wellness Secrets is 891 E. Roller Ave.
Decatur, AR 72722
Arkansas Louisiana Conference Teen Leadership Training Conference is scheduled for the weekend of Sept. 28-30 at Camp Yorktown Bay. Registration is open to any and all teens ages 13-19 years who wish to build their leadership skills. Guest speaker will be LoAmmi Richardson of “SALT Ministries.
Prayer and Fasting Starting next Sabbath, Sept. 1, we are encouraging all members to fast and prayer every Wed.. Every Wed. evening we will study the book, Steps to Personal Revival. If you need a book contact John and Joyce. This is in preparation for the “Appearing” Evangelistic Meeting revival beginning Oct. 11. Please watch for more information.
Arkansas Louisiana Conference Teen Leadership Training Conference is scheduled for the weekend of Sept. 28-30 at Camp Yorktown Bay. Registration is open to any and all teens ages 13-19 years who wish to build their leadership skills. Guest speaker will be LoAmmi Richardson of “SALT Ministries.
Dorm Daughters/Secret Moms - 36 eager young ladies are awaiting adoption in our Secret Mom ministry. All volunteers must complete the Verified Volunteer Certification which is valid for 3 years. Adoption forms are available today in the church foyer. Contact Bonnie Pendergrass or Lora Weygandt for additional information. Here is the link for Verified Volunteers. Select OAA any other Ark-La church or school for which you may volunteer.