All Church Fellowship Meal following the church service. All visitors are invited to join us for good food and fellowship.
Pettey Bible Study Group will meet Sabbath afternoon, Aug. 11 at the Pettey home at 3:00 p.m. Bring the book Last Day Events. For more information call 479-238-3307.
Women's Ministry No meeting for the month of August.
Welcome OAA Students We will be having our refreshment table to welcome the OAA students. If you would be willing to bake cookies, brownies, or bars for the students on registration day please bring them to the office on Sabbath, Aug. 12. Last year the students really appreciated your thoughtfulness as they arrive for a new school year.
Trying Something New! Starting today from 9:30-9:45 our children and young people will be meeting in the Community Room for singing and praising the Lord. AT 9:45 they will separate for classes. If you play an instrument please bring it.
Baby Shower Join us for a baby shower honoring Jessica and Chris Vejnar on Aug. 19, at 11:00 am in the Community Room. Let's shower their baby girl with lots of love. If you have any questions please contact Emily Kurtz 423-617-9372
Church Library Beginning next Sabbath the church library will be open from 9:15-9:30 a.m. each Sabbath morning. If you cannot come during those times contact Tawnya Norwood 479-228-7077.
Remember in Prayer the Isaacs family. Gene passed away after an extended illness.