Potlucks have been canceled till further notice.
Board Meeting on Monday evening at 6:30 p.m. All board members are encourage to attend.
Memorial Service for Connie Krueger will be Sabbath afternoon, Aug. 21, at 3:00 p.m. at the Gentry Church.
Hanson Baby Shower You are invited to a come and go baby shower for Jonathan and Zursey Hanson, Sunday Aug. 15, from 10:00 a.m.-12 noon at Rory and Kathy Hosteter’s home - 10854 WPA Road, Gentry. A little girl will arrive soon. They are registered at Target.
Joint Come and Go Baby Shower on Sunday, Aug. 15 from 10:00 a.m -12 noon in the Community Room for five soon to be mothers from our church. Emily Kurtz (Baby Caleb is here).Courtney Timms, Brooke Hiebert and Brittany Hagele are having boys. Bridget Smit is having a girl. Please bring one gift for each mother. The biggest need is diapers and wipes, but feel free to bring any gift you want. Please take advantage of the Arkansas tax free weekend, Aug. 7 and 8.
Two Part-time Positions at Ozark Academy Part-time adult Cafeteria shift Supervisor and part-time McKee work Supervisor. Contact the office at OAA.
Congratulations to Ben and Bridgett Smit on the arrival of their new baby girl, Brynlee Sloan Smith born on Wed. Aug. 11, 2021
Loma Linda, Worthington and Loma labels are accepted. We must have the complete label. The money from the labels are used by the General Conference for new mission work. You may leave your labels in the box by the literature/library window or at the church office.
Volunteers are Needed -Total Life Community Center - Pickin' on 59 We have a big project coming up, and need your help! The TLC is planning to participate in this year’s Pickin' on 59 in September. If you are able to help out please reach out to Erin Summers at 479-220-2032 as soon as you are able. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Many hands make light work!
Back to School Corn Roast and Vespers tonight, Aug. 14, at 6:30 p.m. at the Springtown Pavilion. Bring your lawn chair and enjoy cold watermelon, roasted corn, homemade ice cream and vespers to close the Sabbath, Donations will be accepted to the Ozark Adventist School Worthy Student Fund.
Ozark Adventist School: Our first day of school was August 12th. It is still not to late to enroll. We are currently enrolling Pre-K through 8th grades. We are committed to enroll any child who wants to attend OAS. Schedule a tour or come by our school office and learn more about Adventist education--we'd love to meet you! Contact us at 479-279-8700 for more information. For updates and OAS news, follow us on Facebook and Instagram or visit us at OzarkAdventistSchool.org. Have a Happy Sabbath!
Church Roof Project
Our church roof has been badly in need of repair for several years. The church board voted to replace the roof with a metal roof. Insurance has covered part of the replacement cost, but we need to raise funds to put a sound barrier underneath, which insurance does not cover. We need to raise $10,000. If you would like to contribute to cover this cost, please mark your donation “Roof Project.” There is a Roofing Fund category on the Online Giving for you to send in your donation marked “Roofing Fund.” We have $1,639 to finish the goal.
Thank you for your generous giving to this project.
$1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 $9,000, $10,000