Next Week-Special God’s House Christmas Tree Offering. In your bulletin there will be a special envelope for you to place on the tree during a designated time in the service - Dec. 18.
All Church Fellowship Meal is planned for Dec. 18 after the church service. Plan to bring extra food for guests as this will be a special Christmas church service Sabbath.
ALL ABOUT THE FAMILY, Dec. 11, 3:00-4:30 p.m. This is an opportunity for the entire family to do “Something on Sabbath Afternoon”. Special activities planned for the children and a great time of fellowship and sharing for the adults.
Memorial Service for Dr. Bob Weaver will be at the Gentry church Sunday afternoon, Dec. 12 at 2:00 p.m. Keep the Weaver family in your prayers.
Work Bee All church work bee in the valley Sunday, Dec. 12, at 8:00 a.m. to help get ready for the live nativity event. Deaconesses will provide lunch. Bring your wood cutting equipment.
Social Event Dec. 11 immediately following the Gentry Christmas Parade. You are invited to enjoy some refreshments and a Christmas movie in the Community Room. Check out the parade and come join the Christmas fun!
Year End Contributions The deadline for the end of the year contributions need to be in by Dec. 25. All online giving will need to be in by Dec. 31.
Devotional Books for 2022 can be purchased through Sleepy Hollow.
OAA Drive Through Nativity - From Christmas to the Cross- Enjoy the sights and sounds from your car, as you pass by live fully costumed portrayals of the streets of Bethlehem through the resurrection. 11 scenes in all with live animals Friday, Dec. 17 from 6:00-9:00 p.m. and Sat. Dec. 18 from 3:00-6:00 p.m.
Cookies Needed for Drive Through Nativity If you would like to help make cookies, we will be collecting them Mon., Dec. 13 through Friday Dec. 17 in the Ad building from 8:00-5:00 each day and 8:00-12 on Friday, and also at the Gentry church office during morning office hours. If possible, please bring them in individual baggies so that they are easy to handle and pass out. If you have any questions contact Judy Fetters 804-874-9430.
Volunteers Need to help with the nativity drive through set-up. We couuld use your help to set up buildings for the nativity on Sunday, Dec. 12, from 10:00-12:00 noon. We will meet by the outdoor pavilion. Then the following Sunday, Dec.19 we will be taking down the nativity from 10:00 a.m.-noon. It is a wonderful way to share the true story of CHRISTmas with our family, friends and neighbors. For any questions contact Judy Fetters at 804-874-9430.
Special Christmas Program on Dec. 18 – 11:00 a.m. at the Gentry Church by Tim Parton and Ryan Day. This will be an event you will want to invite your friends. See insert in your bulletin. There will be an all church fellowship potluck following the church service.
Kitchen As you are out doing your holiday shopping here is list of items needed for the Community Room Kitchen. Or, if you have extra that you are not using, these items would be nice to make the kitchen more functional.
Large serving spoons, serving bowls (all sizes), potato masher, sieve, colander, potato peeler, casserole dishes, (all sizes) spatulas, high temp spatula, wooden spoons, measuring cups and spoons, nice platters, skillet, ice cream server, whisk, pizza cutter, dish towels, large and small tongs, bottle opener, cookie sheets, cleaning supplies, nice big punch bowl, (cups not needed.) spaghetti spoon server.
OAA Concert can be viewed live stream on the Academy Facebook page Dec. 11 at 7:30 p.m.