Prayer Meeting Wed. evening at 7:00 p.m. Bring your family for this mid-week blessing. We will be studying the parable topic - “I Called You to Fish”
For Your Calendar Plan to attend our special Christmas church service on Sabbath, Dec. 26, with musical selections and narration. You will not want to miss this special service.
Board Meeting cancelled for the month of December.
Next Sabbath Dec. 19 plan for our special Christmas tree offering for God’s House improvements. There will be a special envelope in your bulletin to place your offering and hang on the tree during the service. If you are unable to attend church you may mark your tithe envelope for God’s House.
Women’s Ministry “Help the Homeless” We will be gathering warm clothing and items for the homeless. There will be a box in the hallway to place your items for all ages –men, women and children. Bring coats, gloves, socks, sweatshirts, shoes, shirts, blankets and sleeping bags. We will collect from Dec. 12-Jan. 10. These donated items will go to the Genesis House for the homeless. They were so thankful for your donations last year.
Hope for Humanity contributions need to be in the office by Dec. 31. A portion of the offering stays in our local area to help our friends in need.
Ozark Adventist Academy scheduled offering is for Dec. 26 We know with the recent pandemic the Academy has had significant challenges. Please plan for this special offering on Sabbath, Dec. 26.
Teleconference Prayer Call Every morning at 7:30 a.m. the Prayer Ministries Committee invites you to join them in a Teleconference Prayer Call in this time of world-wide crises due to the pandemic Covid 19 virus praying for God's intervention, and praying for Revival and Reformation for our church. We also pray for our church family as well as special burdens and prayer requests that come in. The number to call is 605-468-8036, Access Code: 270973#. Any prayer burdens or requests call or text Alice Scarbrough. 479-238-3931.
Children’s Lesson Papers are available in the rack in the foyer. If you would like one, help yourself to read or share to others.
Devotional Books are ready to be ordered online or through the Texas ABC (800-333-1844), or through Sleepy Hollow
The Thirteenth Sabbath Offering 4th quarter
Southern Asia Division – India
The name “India” is derived from the river Indus. Around 3300 BC, people settled in the fertile Indus Valley, part of which is in modern India, making the world’s oldest and largest continuous civilization.
India has the largest postal system in the world, with more than 150,000 post offices – three time the size of that of China. It also has a floating post office on Dal Lake in Srinagar. Located on a houseboat, it also includes a (post stamp) museum.
Part of this quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will help construct a new church in Amritsar. Thank you for planning a generous offering.