Next All Church Fellowship Meal will be Dec. 21. Thank you for bringing plenty of food.
Hope for Humanity Offering Donations and cans need to be turned in by Dec. 21.
Board Meeting will be cancelled for the month of December.
Children’s Century Classic Book If you are interested in purchasing these wonderful children’s Bible story books for Christmas you now will be able to get them at a discounted price for a short time. There is a flyer on the bulletin board with contact information. These books bring to life classic stories from the Bible.
Fountain Valley Remedies is coming to the new Decatur Fellowship Hall Sunday, Dec. 15, from 10:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. Come and hear the miraculous healing story of Linda Clark. There will be many topics presented to help improve your health, along with food samples.
From Ozark Adventist School: It's that time of the year when our students will perform their annual Christmas program. You are invited to come see the performance of "Random Acts of Christmas" by our PK-8th graders. It will be on Tuesday, December 17, at 7:00 p.m. at the Gentry SDA Church. You don't want to miss this performance! For the most up to date information, follow us on Facebook, Instagram and our website at OzarkAdventistSchool.Org. We wish you a safe and Happy Sabbath!
Live Nativity Walk Through this Sabbath afternoon Dec. 14 from 3:00-6:00 p.m. on the campus of Ozark Adventist Academy. A fully costumed cast of one hundred members, as well as a wide variety of animals and live music will bring the Christmas story to life. Experience the sights and sounds of not only Christ’s birth, but also His life, crucifixion and resurrection as a leader guides your group throughout thirteen different scenes.
Women’s Ministry will be collecting socks this year for the homeless and needy. There will be a box in the hallway for your sock donations.
Diabetes Undone Series January 4, 11, 18 and 25 from 2:00-5:00 pm. Location will be at the Springdale Adventist Fellowship 4001 W. Don Tyson Parkway, Springdale, AR. Dr. Heidi Agesilas and other local doctors will be presenting the series. To sign up or for more information contact 479-856-6189.
Pettey Study Group will meet on Sabbath afternoon, Dec. 21, at 3:00 p.m. at the Pettey home. Please bring your Great Controversy book.
God’s House Projects
The Board voted to launch new projects for God’s House.
Thank you for all the many projects you have helped with in the past to make God’s House a better place.
Goal - $10,000
- New Chairs for the Kindergarten Sabbath School room.
- Purchase and installation of new Hearing Assist technology for ADA compliance.
- Fiber optic line between the church and youth center
to support the TV feed to the kitchen and future projects.
- Purchase of three more security cameras.
Plan for God’s House Christmas Tree Offering!
Watch for the special envelope in your bulletin Sabbath, Dec. 21, to place on the tree!