Special God’s House Christmas Tree Offering In your bulletin there is a special envelope for you to place on the tree during a designated time in the service. If you were not prepared this week you will also have a time next week to participate.
Prayer Meeting has been cancelled until Jan.5, 2022. Enjoy this holiday season with your family
All Church Fellowship Meal is planned after the church service today. If you are visiting with us please come and enjoy good food and fellowship.
Board Meeting on Monday evening, Dec. 20, at 6:30 p.m. All board members are encouraged to attend.
Memorial Service for Glenn Hill, Sr. will be at the Gentry church, Sunday afternoon, Jan. 2, at 2:00 p.m. Keep the Hill family in your prayers.
Year End Contributions The deadline for the end of the year contributions need to be in by Dec. 25. All online giving will need to be in by Dec. 31.
Devotional Books for 2022 can be purchased through Sleepy Hollow. Pick up a brochure listing the books available on the greeter’s stands.
Mark Your Calendar Women’s Ministry will be having an event on Sunday, Jan. 16,. In the Community Room. Watch for further information.;
OAA Drive Through Nativity - From Christmas to the Cross- Enjoy the sights and sounds from your car, as you pass by live fully costumed portrayals of the streets of Bethlehem through the resurrection. 11 scenes in all with live animals Friday, Dec. 17 from 6:00-9:00 p.m. and Sat. Dec. 18 from 3:00-6:00 p.m.
Volunteers Need Sunday, Dec.19 to take down the nativity sets from 10:00 a.m.-noon. For any questions contact Judy Fetters at 804-874-9430.
Kitchen As you are out doing your holiday shopping here is list of items needed for the Community Room Kitchen. Or, if you have extra that you are not using, these items would be nice to make the kitchen more functional.
Large serving spoons, serving bowls (all sizes), potato masher, sieve, colander, potato peeler, casserole dishes, (all sizes) spatulas, high temp spatula, wooden spoons, measuring cups and spoons, nice platters, skillet, ice cream server, whisk, pizza cutter, dish towels, large and small tongs, bottle opener, cookie sheets, cleaning supplies, nice big punch bowl, (cups not needed.) spaghetti spoon server.
SAVE THE DATE Ten Days of Prayer will be Jan. 5-15, 2022. This year’s theme is THE THREE ANGELS’ CALL TO PRAYER. Make plans to attend this annual even – It’s a wonderful way to begin a New ear. More information coming soon!
Dorm Dude and Dorm Daughter Ministries - It is time to identify yourself if you have been a secret dorm parent. Due to COVID precautions, there will not be a Reveal Party. Please reveal your identity when you give the last gift before Christmas. Your may take your student off campus with parental consent. For questions contact Bonnie Pendergrass, 479-736-2221 Ext. 143