Today is our special Christmas tree offering for God’s House. Prepare your envelope and the children will collect and hang them on the tree during the children’s story time.
Next All Church Fellowship Meal Will be Jan. 5. Thank you to all those that make our fellowship meals successful, and to those that spend time in decorating the tables.
Prayer Meeting cancelled for Wed night, Dec. 26. Spend time in prayer with your family.
Communion Sabbath Plan on Sabbath, Dec. 29, for the end of the year Communion service. You will be blessed!
Church Office closed on Tuesday, Dec. 25, for the Christmas holiday.
Offering for next Sabbath, Dec. 29, has been designated for Ozark Adventist Academy. Many of the students rely on scholarship money from this offering. Without this offering some of these students would not be able to attend.
Christmas Music Concert and Game Night tonight, Dec. 22, 6-8 p.m. in the Community Room. The Keyboard Ensemble featuring Sherri Fandrich, Jayme Stabel, Micah Norwood, and Marti Cash, along with family and friends will present an evening of music, sing-a-long carols, games and fun. You are invited to bring your favorite instrument and join in playing the sing-a-long carols. Plan to join in the fun of the fast moving competitive games by playing and cheering your group on to the winners circle. This is one fun night you don’t want to miss! The Youth Center will be open after the concert for activities.
COATS! Women’s Ministries will continue the drive for all warm clothing till Dec. 31. The Genesis House in Siloam Springs is thrilled to have these to pass out to the homeless. We have appreciated your participation in providing for those in need.
Ladies Eat Out will be on Thursday, Jan. 10, at Taqueria El Rancho at 602 E. Jefferson St. Siloam Springs. At 12:30 p.m. Weather permitting.
New Year’s Eve social will be on Dec.. 31, at 6:00 p.m. Plan on games. Bring sandwiches, chips and dip, and snacks.
End of the Year Contributions will be accepted up till noon on Dec. 31 at the church office.
Hope for Humanity
- Make a difference in our communities.
- Make a difference in the world of need around us.
- Make a difference in people’s lives.
- Make a difference that has a lasting impact.
Your help is needed! You can make a difference!
Seventh-day Adventists are a worldwide congregation, with about 20 million members in 143 countries. There are about 1 million Seventh-day Adventists in North America. Hope for Humanity is one way we can reach out with hope and love to our communities and our world.
Remember a portion of this offering comes back to help our local community.
Return your offering cans by Dec. 31