Take Them-A-Meal If you are interested in this program and want more information please pick up the instructions on the greeters stands.
All Church Fellowship Meal following the church service. All visitors are invited.
Church Office Closed on Mon., Feb. 18 for Presidents’ Day.
Board Meeting Monday evening, Feb. 18, at 6:30 p.m. Your attendance would be appreciated.
The “Miracle Worker” OAA Drama Play has been rescheduled for Feb. 23, at 7:00 p.m. We hope you can still plan to attend on Feb. 23. (Note the date change)
Pettey Bible Study group will meet this Sabbath afternoon, Feb. 16, at 3:00 p.m. at the Pettey home. Please bring the book, The Great Controversy. If you have any questions call 479-238-3307.
Day Camp will be here before you know it. Registration opens Apr. 1. Right now we are in urgent need of your prayers and financial support.
Couples Retreat at Camp Yorktown Bay, March 15-17. There are registration forms and brochures on the west greeters stand if you are interested in going.
Youth Mission Trip- Franco Da Rocha Brazil
A group of Ozark Academy students will be helping in the construction of a church, evangelism, and children's vacation Bible school in Brazil. Each student will help according to the gifts and talents God has given them. They will be leaving March 21. We invite you to come and support our village youth with their fundraiser on Tuesday evening, Feb. 26 at 6:30 p.m. A dinner and concert will be given by award winning MARK 209 at the Cypress Barn. Location is at 20690 Bruce Rutherford Dr. Siloam Springs. For more information call Robin Adkins (805) 320-6936, (rshadkins@gmail.com) or see the poster in the hallway.
The Miracle Worker Drama Event Bake Sale If you would like to donate baked goods for the OAA Drama class fundraiser, it would be appreciated. Bring your baked goods to the church office on Friday morning, Feb. 22 or when you come to church Feb. 23. All items must be individually wrapped. Please contact Dona Young for any questions, or if you need her to pick up your items. There will be two intermissions during the program for you to help support the team with your purchases.
A Life of Victory study book, by Meade MacGuire, will be starting the middle of Feb. If you are interested in joining this study please call Marian Parson. 479-549-8528.
Total Life Community Center has had several needy families come in for food baskets and the food pantry is running low on food items. We are in need of non-perishable item such as canned vegetables, boxes of macaroni and cheese, peanut butter, ramen noodles, etc. You may drop the items off at the Total Life Community Center, or place them in the TLC box in the hallway of the church. Thank-you for supporting your community.
Box-Top Fundraiser Please collect and turn in Box-Tops to help support Ozark Adventist School. You can either turn them into your church or drop them off at the school. The funds we receive go to pay for new playground equipment, bats, balls and many other needs the school may have! Thank you for your support!
Thank You for all your prayers, donations, and those that helped move me into my new apartment. It was appreciated very much. Carolynn Ondris.
Lost and Found Please check the items by the coat rack. These will be donated to the TLC if not claimed.
Potluck Coordinator We are in need of one more person to be in charge of a potluck Sabbath, once every other month. Please contact the church office or Paul Bonney if you would like to help.