Announcements for Feb. 8, 2020

Next All Church Fellowship Meal will be on Feb. 15.


Vespers and Game Night on Feb. 8.  Plan on starting with Vesper in the Community rooms at 5:30 p.m.  Following vespers, we will have snacks, sandwiches and games.  Please bring enough to share.


Valentine Ladies Eat Out will be on Thur., Feb. 13, at 12:30 at the Angelino’s.  2001 Hwy 412 East, Siloam Springs. All Ladies are invited to come.


Pettey Study Group will meet on Sabbath afternoon, Feb. 15, at 3:00 p.m.  Remember to bring the Great Controversy book.


Singspiration  A time to worship God through music, Feb. 22, at 3:00 p.m.  If you would like to provide a special song, or you know someone who could share a song, please give your information to either Storey Giddings or Marti Cash.  You can also drop off your written suggestions in the church office.  Please include your name, the name of the performer and phone number in order to contact them.  Specials can be instrumental, vocal, individuals or groups.  Let’s have fun praising God through music.


Congratulations to Bryston and Miranda Gunneman on the arrival of their little girl, Indie Jane.  She was born on Feb. 3 at 4:30 a,m., at the Siloam hospital.  She weighed 8 lbs 5 oz. and 20 ½” long.  Indie is the granddaughter of Tanya Gunneman and the great grand-daughter of Wes and Barbara Fitzpatrick.


ASI (Adventist Laymen’s Services and Industries) Southwest Chapter convention “Preparing the Remnant “will be March 26-29, 2020 at InterrWellness Retreat Center, 3701 County Road 316C, at Cleburne, TX 76031.  Registration is required.,  phone 817-219-5724


OAA Mission Trip The OAA students will be going on a mission trip to Canada this spring.  Your donation is tax deductible.   The cost will be $900 per student. Your help and support will be appreciated.


Decatur SDA Church will be holding Elijah RevivalRelighting the Flame. Meetings will starting on Feb. 8 at 11:00 a.m. For more dates and times see the poster on the bulletin board.


Twin Baby Shower for Jarrod and Cori (Church) Homer. Twin girls will be arriving soon.  You are invited to a come and go shower at the home of Paul and Connie Church at 21367 Arkotex Road, Siloam Springs, on Sun., Feb. 16, from 10:00 a.m. to noon.  Cori is the daughter of Paul and Connie Church.