Announcements for Jan. 12, 2019

Next All Church Fellowship Meal will be on Jan. 19.  Thank you for bringing plenty of food.

 Ten Days of Prayer will continue every evening till Jan. 18.  Come and  have a “Deeper Experience” with God.

 Special Feature next Sabbath for Sabbath School will be a testimony by Larry Huls.  See how God had a plan for his life.  Bring a friend!

Pettey Study Group will meet on Sabbath afternoon, Jan. 19, at 3:00 p.m., at the Pettey home.  We will start studying a new book The Great Controversy.  You are invited to stay for visitation, soup and salad.  For more information call 479-238-3307.

Baby Shower You are invited to a “Teddy Bear” picnic baby shower for Brooke and Ryan Hiebert  on  Sun. Jan, 27, at 5:30 p.m. in the Youth Center. Their new baby boy will arrive soon. They are Registered at WalMart and Amazon.  Husbands, wives, and everyone are invited.

Breakfast for OAA Students  The academy breakfast will be next Sabbath, January 19. If you would like to help with preparation, serving or food donations, please call Heidi Knipple at 828-989-1855. Monetary donations can be placed in the tithe envelope marked “OAA breakfast”. Thank you for helping us continue this ministry. 

Women’s Ministries wishes to thank all those who participated in our warm items for the Genesis House. We would also like to thank Ruth Bonney for taking charge of this.  Everyone was so generous in giving.  There were 315 items of quality clothing; 65 heavy coats, 46 jackets, 94 warm tops, 21 blankets, 20 pairs of pants, and numerous miscellaneous items.  Dorm daughters/mom’s donated 90 pair of socks and $20 cash.  Thank you for providing these items for us to donated to the Genesis House for the homeless..  Dona Young

Services for Paul Clark (his wife is Louise) will be held on Sunday, January 13th at 2:00 pm at the Brandon Thompson Funeral Home, 1190 Hwy 51 North in Ponchatoula (985-370-9286). Details of the service are online at  Visitation will at 10 am until 2 pm.

Services for Laura Weyer will be on Sunday, Jan. 13, at the Springdale Adventist Church – 4001 Don Tyson Parkway, Springdale, AR. Please keep Rodney and their family in your prayers,

Adopt a Dorm Dude  Mentor and encourage the young men from the OAA dorm by Adopting a Dorm Dude on Sabbath, Jan. 19.  This ministry will continue through Apr. 19 when we have a part in which you reveal your identity to your Dude.  Contact Bonnie Pendergrass or D’Rae Krien for additional information.  All volunteers must have current Verified Volunteer Certification.

The Miracle Worker, a play by William Gibson, is as much Annie Sullivan's story as it is Helen Keller's. Annie's belief that Helen Keller could and would learn language through the means of sign language is a remarkable story of courage and perseverance. Presented by the Ozark Adventist Academy Drama class, The Miracle Worker will be performed at 7 p.m. on Feb. 2 in the OAA Auditorium. Tickets are $5 and are available at the door.