All Church Fellowship Meal following the church service today. If you are visiting with us today please come and join us at the youth center.
Church Office Closed for Martin Luther King Day on Monday, Jan. 21.
Year-end Contribution Statements will be ready for you to pick up today by the church office door.
Board Meeting on Monday evening, Jan. 21, at 6:30 p.m. All board members are encouraged to attend.
Game Night/Vespers will be Jan. 26, at 5:30. Bring the family for a fun time together! Bring sandwiches, fruit, and snacks.
Pettey Study Group will meet this Sabbath afternoon, Jan. 19, at 3:00 p.m., at the Pettey home. We will start studying a new book The Great Controversy. You are invited to stay for soup and salad, which will be provided. For more information call 479-238-3307.
Baby Shower You are invited to a “Teddy Bear” picnic baby shower for Brooke and Ryan Hiebert on Sun. Jan, 27 at 5:30 p.m. in the Youth Center. Their new baby boy will arrive soon. They are registered at WalMart and Amazon. Husbands, wives, and everyone are invited.
Ladies Eat Out on Thursday, Feb. 7, at 12:30 p.m. at Soup and Salad in Siloam Springs. All ladies are invited to come.
Help Needed If you would be able to help with transportation, occasionally, for a church member to go to medical appointments, please call the church as soon as possible.
Adopt a Dorm Dude today Mentor and encourage the young men from the OAA dorm by Adopting a Dorm Dude this Sabbath, Jan. 19. This ministry will continue through Apr. 28 at 4:30 when we have a part in which you reveal your identity to your Dude. Contact Bonnie Pendergrass or D’Rae Krien for additional information. All volunteers must have current Verified Volunteer Certification.
The Miracle Worker, a play by William Gibson, is as much Annie Sullivan's story as it is Helen Keller's. Annie's belief that Helen Keller could and would learn language through the means of sign language is a remarkable story of courage and perseverance. Presented by the Ozark Adventist Academy Drama class, The Miracle Worker will be performed at 7 p.m. on Feb. 2 in the OAA Auditorium. Tickets are $5 and are available at the door. This will include a Bake Sale. If you like to donate baked goods for a fund raiser for the OAA Drama class, it would appreciated. Bring your baked goods to the church office on Friday morning, Feb. 1, or when you come to church on Sabbath, Feb. 2. Please contact Dona Young (479-957-4739) for any questions, or if you need her to pick up your items.
Religious Liberty next Sabbath Jan. 26. Your Religious Liberty Offering will sponsor Liberty magazine subscriptions to high-level government officials, federal, state, and provincial judges, and prominent social and religious leaders throughout North America. Your generous gift will also be used to support the North American Division litigation fund-resources needed to defend and preserve your religious liberty in court when necessary. And a portion of your offering is returned to your local union to aid in religious liberty promotion and education.
Junior Sabbath School Class will be having a potluck next Sabbath, Jan. 26, at the home of Travis and Bonnie Pendergrass. All Junior class members and their families are invited. Please bring your favorite foods to share.