Announcements for Jan. 28, 2023

Prayer Meeting on Wed. night at 7:00 p.m.  We will be continuing the study on Hosea.


Contribution Receipts will be available today in the hallway by the church office.


Next All Church Fellowship Meal will be on Feb.4.  Plan to join us and bring plenty of food to share


Worship Leaders/Elders Meeting Feb. 4, at 1:30. p.m.  in the Community Room.  All worship leaders and Elders are encouraged to attend.


Baby Shower Come celebrate the upcoming arrival of Chris and Jessica Vejnar’s baby boy (due in Feb) on Jan. 29 from 2-4 p.m. at the Church Community Room.  Diapers are needed.


Memorial Service for Dorothy (Dottie) Paige will be at the Gentry church, next Sabbath afternoon, Jan. 28, at 3:00 p.m. Dottie passed away Thur. Jan. 19. 


Thank You from the Gilmore family for your thoughtfulness with flowers, cards, food and prayers during our recent loss of Cleo.  Your caring meant so much to us.


Week of Prayer and Spiritual Renewal There are 7.7 million people who live in the two states of Arkansas and Louisiana. With just over 13,000 members in 110 churches, there is room for more. Jesus gave the example in the story of the last lamb. The sisterhood of churches in Arkansas and Louisiana are invited to a week of prayer and spiritual renewal as we embark on another year of mission, ministry, and service in our conference. Join us through live-streaming, January 29 - February 3, 2023. Each evening at 6:30pm there will be a thirty minute emphasis on prayer and renewal as we invite God do something unlike He’s ever done before. What if we could find 1% more for God's Kingdom in 2023? That would be over 77,000 people! Impossible for us for sure—but totally possible for God. More details available at


Estate Planning  Seminar at the TLC Feb. 12 – 2-4 p.m. with Joel Kurtz, attorney.  Light soup tasting and dessert will be included, along with information on more community programs we are planning for this year.


Carpet Stains It is becoming more difficult to keep up with the liquid stains each week.  We are asking that if you have to bring liquids to church that they are sealed in a container that will not spill if tipped over.