Prayer Meeting on Wed. evening at 7:00 p.m.
Church Business Meeting this evening, Jan. 30, at 6:00 p.m. The agenda will be to discuss and vote on the purchase of property for OAS.
Mike Dale Scholarship Fund The Mike Dale family has set up a scholarship fund to help students attend Ozark Academy. Our church family is contributing $5,000 to that fund. You can make your donation to the church and mark it Mike Dale Scholarship Fund.
Learning to Know Your Bible Sabbath School Class will meet each Sabbath for aspiring young adults. Bring all your questions about anything and let’s look together for Biblical answers. The class will meet in the Young Adult Sabbath School room.
Teleconference Prayer Call Every morning at 7:30 a.m. the Prayer Ministries Committee invites you to join them in a Teleconference Prayer Call in this time of world-wide crises due to the pandemic Covid 19 virus praying for God's intervention, and praying for Revival and Reformation for our church. We also pray for our church family as well as special burdens and prayer requests that come in. The number to call is 605-468-8036, Access Code: 270973#. Any prayer burdens or requests call or text Alice Scarbrough. 479-238-3931.