All Church Fellowship Meal will follow the church service today. If you are visiting with us be sure and come and join us.
Church Board Meeting will be on Monday night, July 22, at 6:30 p.m. Your attendance would be appreciated.
Special Prayer Please join us for a special season of prayer Wed. night, July 24, from 6:30-8:30 in the Community room. We will be praying specifically for the students of Ozark Adventist Academy and for the work the Lord will do on the campus this coming school year. We would like to invite our church family to come out and support the academy through prayer.
Petty Study Group will meet on Sabbath afternoon, July 20, at 3:00 p.m. Bring the book Great Controversy. There will be a special Indian meal provided for you.
Ozark Adventist Elementary School will have its Constituency meeting Sunday, July 21, at 6:00 p. m. in the Gentry Church Community Room. All are welcome. See what is happening at the school and fellowship with friends afterwards. Refreshments will be served.
Thank you for all your prayers, calls, visits and food during my recent fall and surgery. It was really appreciated. Cleo Gilmore
Special Thank you to all that have helped in the children’s Sabbath School Divisions the past 2 years. Your help, and dedication was appreciated very much. We are happy that several of you are continuing to stay on, and we welcome all the new volunteers that are joining us. THANK YOU!
Those that will be working with the children in the different classes are: Tiny Tots- Emily Kurtz, DJ Kimberly, Sandee and Leo Nash, Kindergarten – Lanette Bieber and Zersey Maya, Donna Lambert Primary – Cole Hagele, Deb Hagele, Haley Robinson. Juniors – Jackie Katsuren, Bonnie Pendergrass, Michel Jones Earliteens – Erin and Jason Summers Youth Joel Kurtz, Ryan Dennis, Young Adults – Michael Charles, Sergio Celis, Ryan Hiebert. Please keep the leaders in your prayers.
Thank You to everyone that made our camera and security system possible through your faithful donations to our God’s House Project.