Next All Church Fellowship Meal will be Aug. 4. Thank you for bringing plenty of food to share.
“Go Healthy” Benton County Fair Sign Up Your help is needed to reach out to our neighbors with the “Go Healthy” event for a 4 hour shift at the Benton County Fair. Much help is needed to cover this event from Aug. 7-11. Sign up will be available in the hall today.
Women’s Ministry There will not be a first of the month meeting in August.
Proposed Budget for 2018 and 2019 Please pick up the proposed budget on the greeters stands to review. We will vote today for the approval,
Graveside Service and interment of the ashes for Stephanie Arkosinski, will be at the Gentry Cemetery on Sunday morning, July 29, at 11:00 a.m. Remember the family in your prayers. (Celebration of Life at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday Sept.1 at the Joshua SDA Church in Texas.)
Welcome OAA Students We will be having our refreshment table to welcome the students back on Aug. 2, for the day students, and Aug. 12, for dorm students. We need your help to greet, pass out water and refreshments. This is really a fun interaction time. Please contact the church office to sign up for a time to help out. We also have a prayer table to pray with each student.
Baby Shower Join us for a baby shower honoring Jessica and Chris Vejnar on August 19 at 11:00 am in the Community Room. Let's shower their baby girl with lots of love (and diapers too!). They are registered at Walmart. If you have any questions, or would like to help, please contact Emily Kurtz: (423) 617-9372.
Prison Ministry Request . We are looking for a dedicated Christian man who would be a pen pal and spiritual mentor to a 38 year old SDA inmate. Tom was baptized in 2011 and then had fellowship with the Wichita Falls church in Texas. He has been moved to Woodville, TX prison and there are only two very small churches in a wide area. He is asking for a mentor who will write him. He is in with a life sentence. Please contact Ella Fisher 736-8075 for more details.
Texas ABC Delivery (D2U) Deadline to place an order for this delivery will be Aug. 2. Delivery will arrive on Tuesday, Aug. 7, between 3:15 and 3:45 p.m.. To place an order call the ABC at 800-333-1844. If you wish to see the food list and monthly sales you can go to You will meet their driver at the Gentry church parking lot.
Important We hope that everyone will respect God’s House and the new improvements by not bringing gum, sticky items, snacks and juice to church.