Announcements for June 12, 2021

Prayer Meeting on Wed. evening at 7:00 p.m.


All Church  Fellowship Meal next Sabbath June 19.  Bring plenty of food to share.


Ann Jensen Giddings (sister of David Jensen) passed away Monday, June 7.  Please keep the families in your prayer.


Mark 209 Concert in the Youth Center this evening, June 12, at 7:00 p.m.  All are invited.


Thank You to those that brought food, sent cards and prayed for me during my recent illness.  It is nice to have a church  family that provides and cares.  Faith Sampson


Food Box Ministry Meeting will be on Sunday evening, June 13, at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Room.  If this is a ministry you would like to be involved in, please come hear plans how we can continue to serve our community.


Thank You to Robinson’s and Hill’s for their donation of freezers to the TLC.  Very much appreciated.


QR Code If you would like to receive your bulletin early on Thursday use the QR (Quick Response) Code located in the hallways or below.  Once it is scanned and saved to your home screen you will not have to scan it again.  If you need help learning how to scan it to your phone we will be glad to help you. 




Verified Volunteer Update Please check with the church office to make sure your certificate is current.  This certificate is only good for 3 years.  Please renew if you have taken before Mar. 2018.


Teleconference Prayer Call If you would like to join the call at 7:30 a.m. every morning call 605-468-8036.  The access code is 270973#.

Sabbath School Classes

9:30 a.m.


Youth #1 Studying the Cornerstone Connections Quarterly.


Adult Class  (Community Room) Focuses on mission, intercessory prayer, and lively in-depth discussion of the Sabbath School lesson.


Adult Class 2 (West Overflow) Caring family atmosphere. Local and foreign mission emphasis and projects, special topics and speakers, prayer time. Our goal is not to be liberal nor conservative…just biblical. Good teachers that use the Bible, Sabbath School Quarterly, and Spirit of Prophecy as basis for instruction, relevant for today. Much discussion, questions and various opinions.


Adult Class 3  (Weber Class) Welcome to an old fashion Sabbath School starting at 9:20 a.m. with song service and an interactive lesson study from the Sabbath School Quarterly.


Learning to Know Your Bible Sabbath School Class for aspiring adults.  Bring all your questions, about anything and let’s look together for Biblical answers. Young Adult Room.


Tiny Tots               0-3 years

Kindergarten        4-6 years

Primary Grades 1-4

Junior                     Grades 5-6

Earliteen                Grade 7-8

Youth                     Grades 9-12



The Thirteenth Sabbath Offering 2nd quarter

Inter-American Division – Mexico


From birth to death, an individual’s status and opportunities in Mexico are strongly influenced by family ties. Due to the economic advantage, or necessity, of sharing accommodation, three or more generations often share a household, in both rural and urban areas. Whole families, grandparents, adults, teenagers, and small children commonly attend events together.


Mexico’s first sophisticated society was created by the Olmec people, who appeared in the southeastern part of the country around 1200 B.C. They were followed by the Maya, the Toltec, and the Aztec peoples. 


Gray whales swim thousands of miles each year from Alaska to northern Mexico, to breed in the waters off Baja California.