Prayer Meeting on Wed. evening at 7:00 p.m.
Next All Church Fellowship Meal will be on July 17.
Budget The proposed church budget for 2021-2022 is available on the greeters stands for you to review.
ARKLA Conference Constituency Meeting Reminder for all delegates that Sunday, June 27, will be the meeting at the Texarkana Convention Center 2910 S. Cowhorn Creek Loop, Texarkana, TX 75503. This is a very important meeting so we encourage all delegates to attend.
Thank you to my church family for your generosity with meals, kindness, prayers, cards and flowers. It is all very much appreciated. Bridget Kerns
Wedding Shower Mark your calendar to celebrate the upcoming marriage of Lexie Crone and Floyd Counsell! Help us congratulate then couple and enjoy some refreshments! Both women and men are welcome on. Sunday July 18 from 2:00-4:00 p.m. at 2203 N. Hope Lane, Siloam Springs, AR The couple is registered at Amazon, Crate and Barrel, and Target
Deacon Reminder Starting next Sabbath, July 3, we will begin our deacon officer duties for the next two years.. Thank you for accepting this position. Your involvement is very much appreciated. Watch for further updates on meetings, etc.
Verified Volunteer Update Please check with the church office to make sure your certificate is current. This certificate is only good for 3 years. Please renew if you have taken before Mar. 2018.
Teleconference Prayer Call If you would like to join the call at 7:30 a.m. every morning call 605-468-8036. The access code is 270973#.