Life and Ministry
Next All Church Fellowship Meal will be on June 16. Bring your family and enjoy our fellowship together.
TLC Summer Needs If you could help donate peanut butter and jelly, ramen noodles, and cans of fruit, it would be appreciated. School is out and many kids are at home. You may leave it in the donation box in the hall, or bring to the church office. If you have slightly used children, men and women clothing it would also be appreciated. We do not use clothes that are stained, or buttons and zippers missing. Thank you so much for any help you can give.
Pettey Bible Study Group will meet this afternoon, June 9, at 3:00 p.m. at the Pettey home. For more information call 479-238-3307.
Keep Summer Day Camp in Prayer We have gotten off to a great start! Your donations are appreciated to fund this outreach program for our children. If you have not registered your children it is not to late.
Folk Mountain Gospel The Northwest Arkansas Chapter of the Sabbath Keepers Motorcycle Ministry will be hosting a musical event called “Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Through Music” featuring Don and Donna Mohl tonight at 7:00 p.m. at the Gentry Main Street Pavilion. (next to the Chicken Coup)
New God’s House Project to begin The church in business session voted to carpet the two overflow rooms and the choir room. We will also be purchasing chairs to replace the pews in those rooms. A goal board will be up soon so you can watch progress of the funds coming in. Thank you for your faithful giving in the past to keep our church looking nice.
Pettey Bible Study this afternoon at the Pettey home at 3:00 p.m. For more information call 79-238-3307.
Memorial Service for Larry Daggs will be at the Larry Rahm Home on June 9 at 4:00 p.m. Address 20327 Dawn Hill East Raod, Gentry, AR.
Wellness Secrets Cooking classes have been cancelled for the summer. The next class will be announced at a later date.
A Special Thank You !
We appreciated the hard work done by several of our members, prior to campmeeting. You made our campus look the best ever.
Campmeeting would not have been possible without the many hours put in by the following departments:
Children and Youth Leaders and their staff
Custodial staff
Sound, Video and Projection Team
Pastoral Team
Office Staff
Golf Cart Drivers
Grounds Crew
OAA Cafeteria, Pathfinders and Women’s Ministry
Thank you to Ozark Academy for the
use of their facilities.
Thank you to everyone that helped with the financial support which made our campmeeting possible!