Prayer Meeting on Wed. evening at 7:00 p.m.
Board Meeting, Monday evening on Mar. 15, 6:30 p.m.
Keep in Prayer the Abernathy family. Edna West (Maxine Abernathy’s mother passed away. Edna was 100 years old. Services were private graveside this last Tuesday.
Offering today is for Adventist World Radio (AWR) God is using Adventist World Radio’s many broadcasts and platforms to bypass harsh governments and hostile cultures to beam the love of Jesus directly into homes and hearts. Today, we invite you to partner with AWR in this vital ministry. Millions of new people are discovering these beautiful Bible-based truths.
Verified Volunteer Update Please check with the church office to make sure your certificate is current. This certificate is only good for 3 years. Please renew if you have taken before Mar. 2018.
Teleconference Prayer Call Every morning at 7:30 a.m. the Prayer Ministries Committee invites you to join them in a Teleconference Prayer Call in this time of world-wide crises due to the pandemic Covid 19 virus praying for God's intervention, and praying for Revival and Reformation for our church. We also pray for our church family as well as special burdens and prayer requests that come in. The number to call is 605-468-8036, Access Code: 270973#. Any prayer burdens or requests call or text Alice Scarbrough. 479-238-3931.
Bentonville Seventh-day Adventist School is now accepting applications for a full time Pre-K 3 teacher and part time secretary for the 2021-2022 school year. Please contact Renée Otts at 479-271-8887 for more information.
Remember Children’s Offering This offering helps our Children’s Ministries programs. Mark it on your tithe and offering envelope.
OAA Academy job opening at McKee. It is part time and the normal hours are 7:50 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Mon. thru Fri. If interested contact Don Upson at 479-736-2221 or
D2U Texas ABC will be making a delivery on Tuesday, Mar. 30 to our church between 3:15-3:45 p.m. To place an order call the ABC at 800-333-1844. If you wish to see the food list and monthly sales go to
Thank you to our church family for the flowers, cards, food and support in the loss of our mother. Gene and Maxine Abernathy
Verified Volunteer Update Please check with the church office to make sure your certificate is current. This certificate is only good for 3 years. Please renew if you have taken before Mar. 2018.
Committee to Select the Nominating Committee
Please meet on Thursday evening
Mar. 18 at 6:30 p.m.
Dana Beierle Mike Hitt
Trey Beirele Larry Huls
Nelda Brinegar Joel Kurtz
Paul Bonney Cathy Lambert
Rusty Chace Haley Robinson
Don Gilbert Robert Swanson
Cole Hagele Fred Thompson
Ryan Hiebert