Next All Church Fellowship Meal will be on Mar. 21.
Elder’s Meeting Plan to attend on Mon., Mar. 16. Your attendance would be appreciated.
Board Meeting has been CANCELLED for the month of March.
Spring Clean-up Work Bee Plan on Sunday, Mar. 22 from, 8:00 a.m. – noon for any one that wants to come and help clean up the valley and church grounds to get us ready for our upcoming events. Plan on bringing any yard tools you have and we will have something for you to do.
George Dennehy Presentation scheduled for next weekend has been CANCELLED. It will be reschedule at a later time in the year.
Adventist Book Center- Direct to U Delivery will be on Mar.31, at 3:15 p.m. The deadline to place your order must be in by Thurs., Mar. 26.
Keep in Prayer the Roque family during this difficult time. Cheryl lost her battle with an extended illness and passed away Tuesday morning. There will be a service at a later date,
Women’s Ministry Event “All Dolled Up”, scheduled for March 29, has been CANCELLED until further notice.
Save the Date for the 2020 Conference Women’s Retreat at Camp Yorktown Bay on October 16-18, 2020. Theme: Who is the Woman in the Mirror? Speaker will be Darla Sutton
Southwestern Adventist University announces a new $5000 Southwestern Union FRESHMAN Scholarship for fall 2020. This scholarship is in addition to other scholarships the student may receive. It is for residents of Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas only. Call 817-202-6794 for details.
Ozark Adventist School: Next Sabbath, March 21, our students from Gentry Church will be presenting music for the Gentry church service. Pray for these students and the presence of the Holy Spirit as it reaches into the hearts of those who will be present. This weekend our Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM) team are in Kettering, Ohio for Adventist Robotics 2020 meet. We wish them well as they compete with robotics and expand their knowledge. For the most up to date news and information, follow us on Facebook, Instagram and our website at OzarkAdventistSchool.Org. We wish you a safe and Happy Sabbath!
OAA Gala scheduled for Sunday Night, Mar. 15 has been CANCELLED