A Special Welcome to all the OAA alumni that came for this special weekend. We are happy to have you worship with us today and invite you back any time you are in the area.
All Church Fellowship Meal following the church service today. If you are a visiting with us today, please come and join us at the youth center.
Board Meeting will be on Monday evening, Mar. 18, at 6:30 p.m. Your attendance would be appreciated.
Pettey Study Group will meet Sabbath afternoon, Mar. 23, at 3:00 p.m. Bring the Great Controversy book. For more information call 479-238-3307.
Ozark Adventist Elementary School will present Jesus, My Friend in the Gentry church on Thursday evening, Mar. 21, at 7:00 p.m. You will not want to miss this special program put on by our students.
Vespers and Game Night on Saturday night, Mar 23. We will begin with Vespers at 7:00 p.m. followed by games in the youth center. Bring snacks to share.
Nominating Committee first meeting will be on Sunday evening, Mar. 24, at 6:30 p.m. Please mark your calendar.
Valley Work Bee this Sunday, Mar. 17, at 8:00 a.m. We will be cleaning up the valley getting ready for spring. We could use a couple chain saws and anyone that is willing to help for a few hours.
Day Camp will be here before you know it. Registration opens Apr. 1. Right now we are in urgent need of your prayers and financial support.
Springtown Adventurer’s and Pathfinders invite you to a fund-raiser breakfast on Sun., Mar. 17, between 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. at the Springtown Church
Ozark Adventist Academy Benefit Gala will be on Sun., Mar. 17, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. If you are interested in attending please check the bulletin board for admission and more information.
Adventist Book Center Direct 2 You coming to the Gentry Church. To place an order call the ABC at 800-333-1844. If you wish to see our food list and monthly sales you can go to www.abckeene.com Deadline to place an order for this delivery: March 28. We will arrive at your church on: Delivery Date: 4/2/2019, Delivery Time: 3:15-3:45 PM, Delivery Day: Tuesday. We will not deliver to your area again until: July 23
Thank You We would like to thank the academy kids, (Andrew, Callie, Hunter, Gerardo and Alex, along with Bonnie Pendergrass) who on their community day Sunday, raked our leaves. It was very much appreciated. George and Charlotte.
Thank You to the church ladies, who brought us meals, after my surgery. It was such a great help, and we appreciate how Ruth Bonny, and Marti Cash made it all possible. This new meal situation is wonderful, and it benefited us greatly. Charlotte and George Robinson