Announcements for Mar. 24, 2018

Life and Ministry



Next All Church Fellowship Meal will be on April 7.  We always appreciated everyone that contributes food and for all those that help in the kitchen and with set up.

Women’s Bible Study on Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. at Jeanette Pettey’s home.  We will be starting a new Daniel and Revelation study from the Voice of Prophecy.  Please come and join us.  For more information contact Melissa Hanson.

Communion Sabbath will be on Sabbath, Mar. 31. 

Dorm Dude Reveal  Save the date for Sunday, April 29 – 4:00-6:00 p.m.  Watch for further information.

Thank You to all the 30 people that helped on Sunday and during the week to decorate for the OAA Gala.  Everyone worked hard and it turned out beautiful!  You were all appreciated!

Pathfinder Fundraiser The Pathfinders will be having a Tupperware fundraiser.  If you would like to support our youth please contact a Pathfinder or their leaders to help.  This will only last till April 10 so get your order in as soon as possible.  They will get 40% of the profit to benefit their club.  For questions contact Haley Robinson 479-549-5720. You may also stop by the church office.

‘Chosen To Be Messengers’ Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana Youth Federation presents Armando Miranda, Jr., NAD Youth Associate as speaker at Camp Yorktown Bay, April 13-15, 2018.   Early bird registration until Mar. 5.  $55 includes registration, T-shirt, lodging and meals.  For ages 14-25. Registration online at

OAS Family Fun Run Sunday, April 15 at 8:00 a.m.  Pancake breakfast immediately after. Sign-up sheets in the church or school office.   $20 adult, $10 kids.


Women’s Ministry Event Sunday,  April 1, at 1:00 p.m. in the Youth Center  We will be having a painting class with an Indian meal catered by Subha Ananadam.  All supplies will be provided for the painting class.  It is a very easy class and you will love it.  You will need to call to reserve your spot.  If you do not want to paint, come and eat with us. You do not need to bring anything.

RSVP to Dona young 479-957-4739 by Mar. 25.


D2U (Direct to You) from Texas ABC will be coming to our area.  If you wish to see our food list and monthly sales you can go to  Deadline to order is Mar. 29 with a delivery date of Tue., April 3, from 3:15-3:45 at the Gentry church.  Next delivery will be Aug. 7.


Disaster Training with Lavita Whiteson, with Adventist Community Service Disaster Response, will  be at our church Sunday morning April 8, from 10:00 a.m.-12 noon for training In the Community room.