Next All Church Fellowship Meal will be Dec. 1. This is Music Festival Weekend so bring plenty of food for everyone.
Board Meeting will be postpone until, Mon. Dec. 3 at 6:30 p.m.. Due to the upcoming holidays we will combine the Nov. and Dec. board meeting together.
Women’s Ministry Sponsored Christmas Event Mark your calendar for Sunday, Dec. 16, for a Christmas concert by Mark 209. This includes all men and women. Concert will begin at 6:00 p.m. Donations would be appreciated.
OAA Music Festival Concert will be Sabbath afternoon, Dec. 1 at 3:00 p.m.. NOTE THE CHANGE OF TIME. If you would like to participate in the Community Choir the first rehearsal will be Nov. 12, from 5:30-7:30 at the OAA Music Dept.
Heaps of Thanks to our Gentry Church family who braved the cold rain to support the OAA Junior Class at their fundraising breakfast last Sunday. We raised a little more than $1400 for the class funds and its community service project. Thank you!! We couldn't have done it without you!!!
Women’s Eat Out Plan to join the ladies at the next eat out on Thursday, Dec. 6, at 12:30 p.m. at Taqueria El Rancho at 715 E. Jefferson, Siloam Springs. We have a great time together!
Devotional Books for 2019 This year all orders for devotional books will be placed with Sleepy Hollow. If you would like to see a sample of the adult evening and morning books you may stop by the church office.
Chocolate Sale!!!! The OAA Juniors are selling World’s Finest Chocolate. The Mint Meltaways are divine, as are the caramel and the almonds. Contact Ms. Markie Bazzy @ 479-233-0171 or any Junior Class member. The chocolates will be for sale at the Junior Breakfast as well.
Hire an OAA Student and Support the Mission Trip to Brazil! We have 36 OAA students who are going to be going to Franco da Rocha, Brazil in March to help build a church, do evangelism, and hold a VBS program. Several of them would love to help you with things around the house to help raise money for the trip. They can do things like raking your leaves, wash your dishes, vacuum, and so much more! In return, all they ask is a donation for the mission trip! If you would like to hire a student to help you with something contact Chaplain Seth Clark. 913-449-5768.
OAA Outdoor Nativity Help Needed to build scenes. We are going to meet at 9:00 a.m. Sunday- Nov. 25, Dec. 2, and Dec. 9 .If you are able to help out on any of these days, even if it’s only for a few hours that would be a tremendous help! Also our last planning meeting will be held on Sunday, December 2 at 6:00 PM in the auditorium at Ozark Adventist Academy. There are so many ways, little or big, that you could be of help. No job is too small and all the parts add up to help make the nativity a blessing for our students, families, churches and community. Again, the nativity will be on Friday, Dec. 14, from 6-9 PM and Sabbath, December 15 from 3-6 PM. If you are interested in baking cookies bring them to the Ad building M-F 12/10-12/14. If you can, put two cookies in a snack bag so they are ready to distribute.
Dorm Daughter/Secret Mom Reveal Party. The theme this year is "Socking Around the Christmas Tree". Dec. 2 at 4:00 p.m. in the Youth Center Get 2 pairs of coordinating (or random if you prefer)Christmas socks. Send two of the socks to your dorm daughter before the reveal party. Both of you wear the socks and the daughter finds the mom who is wearing the same two socks that she has. We will also be collecting socks for the Genesis House in Siloam Springs. The menu is Mexican themed. Contact Bonnie Pendergrass for further details.