Announcements for Nov. 30, 2019

Next All Church Fellowship Meal will be Dec. 7.


Ozark Academy "Feast of Lights" will be on Friday night, Dec. 6, in the sanctuary at 8:00 p.m.  All are invited.


Our Next Food Collection for the Christmas baskets will Dec. 14.   Bring fresh bread and fruit.


Women’s Ministry will be collecting socks this year for the homeless and needy.  There will be a box in the hallway for your sock donations.


Labels The only labels you need to save is Worthington/Loma Linda, Loma and Cedar Lake.  No longer taking Morning Star or Box Tops.


Ladies Eat Out   Plan on joining us at Taqueria El Rancho,  602 E. Jefferson Street, Siloam Springs, on Thurs. Dec. 5, at 12:30 p.m. All ladies are welcome.


Dorm Daughter/Secret Mom Reveal Party Saturday night Dec. 7 at 7:00 pm in the Gentry Church Youth Center.  Prizes will be awarded in several categories for the best "Ugly Sweaters".  So wear a festive sweater or sweatshirt.  Please bring finger foods to share and a small gift for your dorm daughter.  Help is still needed for decorating and food setup.  Contact Bonnie Pendergrass at 479-233-0001 if you are willing to help or have any further questions.


“From Christmas to the Cross” We are beginning to plan for the live nativity 2019.   If you would like to participate in some way    please contact Judy Fetter at 804-874-9430 or Next event will be building scenes. Dec. 1, Dec. 8 from 9:00 a.m. to 12. Noon.


Dorm Daughter/Secret Mom Reveal Party Saturday night Dec. 7 at 7:00 pm in the Gentry Church Youth Center.  Prizes will be awarded in several categories for the best "Ugly Sweaters".  So wear a festive sweater or sweatshirt.  Please bring finger foods to share and a small gift for your dorm daughter.  Help is still needed for decorating and food setup.  Contact Bonnie Pendergrass at 479-233-0001 if you are willing to help or have any further questions.


Devotional and Sharing Books  If you are interested in ordering your new devotional and sharing books for 2020 you may order them from Sleepy Hollow.   If you would like a brochure stop by the greeters stands.


Music Festival of Lights Concert Ozark Adventist Academy will be presenting a Christmas concert on December 7th at 3:30 p.m. in the Gentry SDA Church. Students from around the conference in grades five through ten will be joining Ozark Adventist Academy students in presenting our annual Christmas Concert during Music Festival Weekend.

God’s House Project

The Board voted to launch new projects for God’s House.

Thank you for all the many projects you have helped with in the past to make God’s House a better place. Goal - $10,000


  1. New Chairs for the Kindergarten Sabbath School room.


  1. Purchase and installation of new Hearing Assist technology for ADA compliance.


  1. Fiber optic line between the church and youth center

to support the TV feed to the kitchen and future projects.


  1. Purchase of three more security cameras.