Prayer Meeting meets every Wed. evening at 7:00 p.m. The study is on Hosea: The Man-the Prophet-The Message. You will be blessed!
All Church Fellowship Meal following the church service today, Please join us if you are visiting.
Harvest Tree Items for next Sabbath, Nov. 12 will be boxed crackers, boxed cereal, boxed potatoes. Thank you for supporting this ministry for our friends in need.
Small Group Study Dona Young invites all ladies to her home that would like to join a small group study on Sabbath afternoon, Nov. 12, at 3:00 p.m. The study will be on forgiveness and healing. Please RSVP to 479-957-4739. We hope to keep this to one hour and there will be no food, just spiritual food.
OAA Drama Presentation Rosie the Riveter on Nov. 5, at 7:30 p.m. in the OAA Auditorium. Rosie the Riveter by Trey Clarkston is the story of the women who worked in the factories during WWII. It explores their personal experiences as working girls and their desire to support their men overseas. Tickets are $5 and will be available at the door. There will be a bake sale during the intermission.
Women’s Ministry Event Sunday, Nov. 13, at 4:00 p.m. in the Community Room. All ladies are encouraged to attend our special Fall event “Falling In Love With Jesus”. Special guest speaker and activities. We will also be discussing our plans for the new year.
Ozark Voices Chamber Choir is auditioning If you want to join a select vocal group and have an uplifting experience through music and friendship, please schedule your audition by contacting Gabriel Blotor 954-937-4394 or
OAA Christmas Concert Music Jubilee on Dec. 10. All musician friends are invited to participate. If you sing or play an instrument, contact Gabriel Blotor at 954-937-4394 or
Baby Shower honoring Amanda Rodriguez (daughter of Helen Rogers) Sunday, Nov. 6, from 2-4 p.m. at the Gentry Church Community Room. Hosted by Amy Gil. Please RSVP by Nov. 3 to 225-313-5481. Registered at Amazon.
HTTPS://TINYURL.COM/N4CUHWED. A baby boy will arrive soon.
Community Concert: Featuring two former award-winning SSHS graduates, Dr. Deborah Caldwell & Christopher Barnett, as well as members of churches all over town and NW Ark. Ends with a spiritual high. Sunday, Nov. 13, 2:45pm, Camp Siloam’s Auditorium. See for more info.