Harvest Tree Next week Nov.14, Canned green bean, canned peas and canned olives. When you arrive there will be a table by each door for you to place your items.
Pathfinder Apple Pie Take and Bake fundraiser. If you would like a fresh homemade apple pie for the holiday have your orders in by Sun. Nov. 15 and pickup at 2:00 p.m., Nov. 15. Thank you for supporting your Pathfinder club. Place your order with a Pathfinder, or call Stephanie Waggoner 509-869-0367.
Prayer Meeting We will begin a new series on the end time dimensions of the parables. This week we will start with the Parable of the Sower. Come and be blessed with this midweek service each Wed. evening at 7:00 p.m.
Devotional Books are ready to be ordered online or through the Texas ABC (800-333-1844), or through Sleepy Hollow.
Women’s Ministry Retreat For those of you that have registered for Nov. 14 women’s retreat there will be a slight change in the afternoon schedule. We will not be having the bike ride or outreach in the afternoon. Instead, we will be having a guest speaker on human trafficking. Also remember the talent show at 5:00 p.m. for everyone.
Prison Ministry needs your used copies of the Signs of the Time magazine. We have a neat and secure way of blocking out your name and address so please do not cut it out nor use a felt tip pen to do that. You may leave the magazines at the church office or on a chair on Ella Fisher's front porch. Thank you very much.
Teleconference Prayer Call Every morning at 7:30 a.m. the Prayer Ministries Committee invites you to join them in a Teleconference Prayer Call in this time of world-wide crises due to the pandemic Covid 19 virus praying for God's intervention, and praying for Revival and Reformation for our church. We also pray for our church family as well as special burdens and prayer requests that come in. The number to call is 605-468-8036, Access Code: 270973#. Any prayer burdens or requests call or text Alice Scarbrough 479-238-3931.
Children’s Lesson Papers are available in the rack in the foyer. If you would like one, help yourself to read or share to others. Disaster Response Team is in Southern Louisiana following the most recent Hurricane mess…Zeta. They are working out of the South Louisiana Convention Center with Mobile Units. They need hands for sorting, for going out with the mobile unit, and to help make food boxes and cleaning buckets. The center has camper hook-ups and a small amount of room for tents inside. The kitchen is useable, but you will be to be self-contained with your own food. Please call Lavida Whitson, ARKLA ACS Director if you would like to help. 501-317-0997. Helpers are need for week days or weekends. Masks are required!
Hope for Humanity
Hope for Humanity is privileged to provide resources and support for projects throughout North America and around the world. 100% of donated funds are used for humanitarian projects – 50% of all funds are allocated for use in local and statewide projects, and 50% of all funds are allocated for national and international humanitarian projects.
Remember in your giving to support Hope for Humanity because you are also helping our local people in need.
We can be tired, weary, and emotionally distraught, but after spending time alone with God, we find that He injects into our bodies energy, power and strength. — Charles Stanley