Prayer Meeting You will not want to miss the presentations on the Miracles of Jesus each Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m.
Harvest Tree Next week Oct. 17, please bring canned sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, canned beans. When you arrive there will be a table by each door for you to place your items.
Pastor Appreciation Month If you would like to show your appreciation for our pastor please have your contribution in by Nov. 7.
Pettey Bible Study Group and also October Birthdays - You are invited for a get together this Sabbath afternoon, Oct. 10, in the Community Room. Come around 5:00 p.m. to visit with Jeanette and plan to eat at 5:30 p.m. Bring sandwiches individually wrapped, or salad for a light supper. Please wear a mask.
Labels The only ones that we are accepting will be the Worthington/Loma labels and Cedar Lake. Make sure the bar codes show on the labels you turn in. We no longer are accepting Campbell soup labels or box tops.
Baby Shower You are invited to a baby shower for Rachel (Hanan) Bise, on Sunday, Oct. 18 at 12:30 p.m. A baby girl will arrive in Dec. She is registered at Walmart. Location will be at the Gentry church pavilion.
Thank you Check the table in the hallway for completed projects from the first Women’s Ministry event last Sunday. We had a great time creating our projects.
For Your Calendar Women’s Ministry is planning a retreat on Sabbath Nov. 14 at the Youth Center. Watch for further information to come. There will be no charge for this event.
Prison Ministry needs your used copies of the Signs of the Time magazine. We have a neat and secure way of blocking out your name and address so please do not cut it out nor use a felt tip pen to do that. You may leave the magazines at the church office or on a chair on Ella Fisher's front porch. Thank you very much.
ABC Direct 2 You To place an order call the ABC at 800-333-1844. If you wish to see our food list and monthly sales you can go to Deadline to place an order will be Oct. 8. We will arrive at your church on Tue. Oct.13 between 3:15 and 3:45 p.m.