Announcements for Oct. 15, 2022

Sabbath School Council meeting will meet this afternoon, Oct. 15 at 3:00 p.m. All Sabbath School leaders and teachers should plan to attend. 


Board Meeting on Mon. evening, Oct. 17, at 6:30 p.m. Your attendance would be appreciated.


Prayer Meeting meets every Wed. evening at 7:00 p.m.    New study for prayer meeting will be Hosea:  The Man-the Prophet-The Message.  You will be blessed!


Don Gilbert Memorial Service will be Sabbath afternoon Oct. 22, at 3:00 p.m. at the Gentry church.


Pastor Appreciation is this month. Please remember our Pastor and his wife to show our appreciation for them.


Harvest Tree Items for next Sabbath, Oct. 22, will be spaghetti sauce, canned mixed vegetables, toilet paper, Thank you for supporting this ministry for our friends in need.


Small Group Study  Dona Young invites all ladies to her home that  would like to join a small group study on Sabbath afternoon Nov. 12, at 3:00 p.m. The  study will be on forgiveness and healing. Please RSVP to 479-957-4739.  We hope to keep this to one hour and there will be no food, just spiritual food.


Facility Usage If you have a need to reserve the Community Room, Pavilion, or Youth Center for an event please contact the church office to schedule the event. 


Mark James Booth, son of Edwin J. Booth and Jan. Mark passed away on Oct. 6, 2022 of a heart attack.  Mark is survived by his father, Edwin, son David, two sisters Juanita Brown and partner Candy Douglas and sister Tammy Booth.  Memorial service will be in Riverside, CA next month.


Roger Dale Dickhaut of Georgetown, TX passed away on Sept. 13, 2022  He had been ill for some time.  He was the son of the late Rueben and Leah Dickhaut, brother of LeRoy, brother Calvin and wife June, and sons Steven D. and Galen R.  Aunt Durnetta Werth, Aunt Harriet Dickhaut.  He graduated from Maplewood Academy, MN. Roger attended Southwestern Adventist University in Keene, TX where John Uhrig was his professor.  Memorial will be today at 3:30 p.m. in the Community room at the Gentry Church.


Ozark Voices Chamber Choir is auditioning  If you want to join a select vocal group and have an uplifting experience through music and friendship, please schedule your audition by contacting Gabriel Blotor 954-937-4394 or


OAA Christmas Concert Music Jubilee on Dec. 10.  All musician friends are invited to participate.  If you sing or play an instrument, contact Gabriel.  Gabriel Blotor can be contacted at 954-937-4394 or




Bulletin Announcements deadline- Thurs. 8:30 a.m.