Change of Date for Board Meeting Meeting has be rescheduled for Oct. 25, at 6:30 p.m.
Harvest Tree items for next week, Oct.23, will be canned beans, applesauce, and toilet paper. Thank you for participating in our twelve weeks of blessings.
Mark Your Calendar for a special presentation this afternoon with Drs. Chuck and Omie Mills Oct. 16, from 3:00-5:00 p.m. at the Gentry church. They will be presenting tips on AT HOME prevention to minimize infections. Invite a friend!
Something on Sabbath Afternoon (SOSA) will be hosting Kahoot-a-plooza beginning at 3:00 p.m. in the Community Room. There will be multiple games and skill levels of Kahoot and Jeopardy-style games. There will be single and team play. Bring your phone or table (we will have a couple to use if needed) to play or just come and watch and learn some great Bible trivia. SEE YOU THERE!
Work Bee - Valley Fall Cleanup Deacons and any volunteers that would like to help clean up the valley, come on Sunday, Oct. 24, at 8:00 p.m. Lunch will be provided. Bring any wood cutting equipment to trim trees and branches. Also there will be vine removal.
Come Join Pathfinders! Mark your calendar for Tuesday evenings from 6-8 p.m. Contact Dana or Trey Beierle at 479-233-0916.
New Number for Teleconference Prayer Call If you would like to join the call at 7:30 a.m. every morning call 774-450-9900. The access code 8282104#
Graveside Memorial Service will be held for Ron Cothran, Sr. who passed away on Sept. 22 after a brief illness. A graveside memorial service will be held on Friday, Oct. 22, at 2:00 p.m. in the Decatur Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that monetary gifts can be made in his name to the Circle of Life Earlene Howard Hospice Home, 901 Jones Road, Springdale, AR 72762
Alice Wellnitz passed away on Sept. 29. There will be a memorial service at a later date.
Glasses If you have used glasses you still have time to turn them into the church office or Charlotte Robinson until Oct. 30.
Ozark Adventist School: This school year has been a fast start. We are excited to have completed the outdoor classroom porches and soon the drainage portion of this project will be complete. Donations have made this project possible. Our next vision is to construct the roofs for the porches. This will require raising funds to accomplish this goal. On October 23, we are having our Glow Ride night bike-a-thon. This is a fundraiser for Home & School. We appreciate Home & School, they provide many activities and contribute to school improvement projects. If you would like to give to these projects, please contact us at 479-279-8700 or contribute by marking your donation to OAS in your giving. We thank you so much for your support.
Old Testament Bible Study You are invited to join Jesus in the Old Testament, an audio Bible study led by Dr. Jon Paulien, former Dean of the School of Religion at Loma Londa University. Is it really true that the Old Testament is filled from beginning to end with symbols and figures that point to Jesus? Come and find out. Bring your Bibles! Thursdays at 2:00 p.m. at the church.