Harvest Tree items for next week, Oct. 9, will be canned sweet potatoes, canned cranberry sauce, and bar soap. Thank you for participating in our twelve weeks of blessings.
Good Samaritan Fund We will be collecting an offering today at the back doors as you leave church for the Good Samaritan fund. This is a special offering to help those with special needs locally, and also help with the hurricane disaster in Louisiana. Please remember those in need in your giving.
Mark Your Calendar for a special afternoon presentation with Drs. Chuck and Omie Mills – Sabbath afternoon, Oct. 16 from 3:00-5:00 p.m. at the Gentry church. They will be presenting tips on AT HOME prevention to minimize Covid infection. Invite a friend!
Pastor Appreciation will be coming up soon. If you would like to contribute to this fund, please mark your tithe and offering envelope “Pastor Appreciation.” Please turn in by Oct.9
Total Life Community Center If you have fairly recent magazines, or any Christmas items you could donate, the TLC would appreciate it.
New Number for Teleconference Prayer Call If you would like to join the call at 7:30 a.m. every morning call 774-450-9900. The access code 8282104#
D2U If you would like to place an order for the delivery from the Adventist Book Center you need to have your order in by Oct. 7. Delivery date will be Tue., Oct. 12, 3:15-3:45 p.m. at the Gentry church. To place an order call 800-333-1844.