All Church Fellowship Meal today following the church service. Thank you for bringing plenty of food to share.
Appearing Follow-Up Meeting this evening at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Room with Pastor Gil. Title will be “The Faithful Shall Stand.”
Christmas Coats for the Needy Women’s Ministries will be collecting coats of all sizes for those in need. There will be a box in the hall next Sabbath for the coats.
Pettey Bible Study group will meet on Oct. 27, at 3:00 p.m. For more information a call 479-238-3307.
Marie Fulbright passed away on Oct. 14 at the age of 100. If you would like to send cards you may send to Rodney Fulbright, 3897 Faculty Lane, Apopka, FL 32703-6149.
Vesper/Game Night Plan on another fun game night, Oct. 27.
Chairs There are 4 wood chairs in the hallway by the coat rack. If you would like to have one of these for a donation to the God’s House Projects please contact the church office. We need to find them a home!
Special Music Program by Ozark Elementary School We invite you to come join us on Thursday evening, Oct. 25, at the Gentry Church for a musical event presented by PreK-8th grades. Listen as each classroom paints a picture of going “Home-to-Heaven”. Bring your family, friends, and neighbors for a program you will not want to miss. Presented by the music department of OAS.
Devotional Books for 2019 This year all orders for devotional books will be placed with Sleepy Hollow. If you would like to see a sample of the adult evening and morning books you may stop by the church office.
Next Women’s Eat Out event will be on Nov. 8. Watch for more details.
Teen Prayer Conference ARKLA Prayer Ministries will host the Annual Teen Prayer Conference Oct. 26-28 at Camp Yorktown Bay. You may submit your registration at Theme is Making JESUS Real!!! Cost per person is $65. Speaker Keith Gray. For questions contact Lanette Bieber at 479-790-8356.
Ozark Adventist Elementary School is seeking a school librarian for the 2019-2020 school year. (May also need someone to help this year for a few hours.) This is a 28 hour a week position, Mon.-Thur. Experience as a librarian is a plus. Need someone who has experience working with children, has basic computer skills and a love of Jesus. Please email for an application.
Ozark Adventist Elementary School is seeking an aftercare aide. This is a part time position after school. Hours vary but are usually around 10 hours per week. The person needs experience working with children, is patient, kind, and loves Jesus.
Help the OAA Freshman Class tour Noah’s Ark The board voted to help the Freshman class with $1,000 to tour Noah’s ark in Kentucky. This will be unforgettable experience for these students. Please mark your tithe and offering envelope ‘Noah’s Ark Tour’ to make this trip a reality for them. Your help will be appreciated !