Harvest Tree items for next week, Nov. 6 canned soup, canned carrots paper towels. Thank you for participating in our twelve weeks of blessings.
Singspiration Plan to come this afternoon Oct. 30, at 5:30 for a Singspiration in the Community room. Bring a favorite song. All are invited.
Food Box Ministries Meeting Sabbath afternoon, Oct. 30, at 4:15 p.m. before the Singspiration. There will testimonies and sharing from those that have been involved in this program. We always welcome more volunteers to deliver food for those in need. Come and get involved in this wonderful ministry to our community. You will be blessed!
Social Event Tonight (following the Singspiration) All are invited to a relaxing Autumn bonfire and hayride down by the Pavilion. What to bring: hot dogs, buns, roasting stick and chair. Social Committee will provide condiments, chips, hot chocolate, apple cider, water and plates. While we enjoy eating, relaxing, and chatting around the fire, the hayride will come and go so everyone will get a chance to ride. Be sure to watch the weather and dress accordingly.
Yarn If you are needing free yarn for your ministry or could use it for projects contact the church office.
Piano’s We have one upright spinet piano and one electric piano you can have for a donation. Contact the church office if you are interested.
Old Testament Bible Study You are invited to join Jesus in the Old Testament, an audio Bible study led by Dr. Jon Paulien, former Dean of the School of Religion at Loma Linda University. Is it really true that the Old Testament is filled from beginning to end with symbols and figures that point to Jesus? Come and find out. Bring your Bibles! Thursdays at 2:00 p.m. at the church.
Come Join Pathfinders! Mark your calendar for Tuesday evenings from 6-8 p.m. To Join ontact Dana or Trey Beierle at 479-233-0916.
Librarian Position Open at Ozark Adventist School: Do you love to read, work with a diverse group of children and share your love of Jesus? Come join the OAS Team. We are searching for a P/T Library Attendant, approximately 28 hrs. a week. Position requires computer skills, learning how the Dewey decimal system works and teaching young students how to read.
Resumes will be accepted through Nov. 14th. Email inquiries and/or resumes to jlopez@ozarkadventistschool.org. Our current librarian’s last day will be December 17th. Retirement and travel awaits her, we wish her the very best! Thank you Jeanie for your love and commitment to our students, you will be missed.