Announcements for Oct. 9, 2021

Harvest Tree items for next week, Oct.16, will be canned corn, canned peas, and dish soap.  Thank you for participating in our twelve weeks of blessings



Mark Your Calendar for a special afternoon presentation with Drs. Chuck and Omie Mills – next Sabbath afternoon, Oct. 16 from 3:00-5:00 p.m. at the Gentry church.  They will be presenting tips on AT HOME prevention to minimize Covid infection.  Invite a friend!



Pastor Appreciation will be coming up soon. If you would like to contribute to this fund, please mark your tithe and offering envelope “Pastor Appreciation.” 


Alice Wellnitz passed away Sept. 29.  Watch for more details on service.


 Glasses   If you have used glasses please give them to Charlotte Robinson  up  until

Oct. 30 or bring to the church office.


Total Life Community Center If you have fairly recent magazines, or any Christmas items you could donate, the TLC would appreciate it.


New Number for Teleconference Prayer Call If you would like to join the call at 7:30 a.m. every morning call 774-450-9900.  The access code 8282104#


Seventh-day Adventists around the world are confronted with an impending societal crisis that widely and generally threatens the religious liberties of many of our members.
The greatest immediate threat is government mandates of COVID vaccinations and penalties for non-compliance. In response, it is vital for the continuing mission of the Church that our leadership—in ministry, healthcare, education, and publishing—act with the utmost sensitivity, care, and courage. Action must be taken in a manner consistent with our Fundamental Beliefs, our established understanding of eschatology, and our longstanding commitment to liberty of conscience, both for ourselves, and as a true witness to the world in protecting that liberty for others.  There is a way for your voice to be heard by going to the website and read The Liberty of Conscience Document.