Come Let Us Sing for Joy Come Join us for music and fellowship on Sabbath afternoon, Sept. 21, from 3:00-5:00 p.m. at Robert and Judy Fetters house. (14249 Killarney Drive, Siloam Spring, AR) If you would like to sing a solo, or sing with a group, play an instrument, read a story or poem, or participate in some way, contact Judy Fetters at 804-874-9430. Also, if you would like to bring a lawn chair or blanket to sit on, that would be great! Hope to see you there!
CYB Women’s Ministry Prayer Event beginning Friday Sept. 20-22. Speakers will be DeeAnn Bragaw and Lanette Bieber. If you are interest in attending see the poster on the bulletin board for more information.
Board Meeting will be Monday, Sept.16 at 6:30 p.m. All board members are encouraged to attend.
Heritage Tour this year promises to be an excellent learning opportunity for our Juniors, and includes destinations that will lead to a deeper understanding of our nation’s development and history. The students are looking forward to learning new things, checking out new destinations, and spending time with friends as we study on the road. We will leave the evening of October 12.
We would like every student to be able to go and have some who are struggling to be able to pay for their trip. If you would like to help, you may make a tax deductible contribution by designating the funds go to "Heritage Tour." You may also contact the business office at OAA. It is a real blessing to be able to partner with our church members and we appreciate your involvement. Contact: David Baldridge 208.258.5737 cell
Thank you to all the Deacons that came out last Sunday to help with the work bee. All your work was really appreciated and much was accomplished to make the valley attractive for our fall events.
From Ozark Adventist School: Our 8th grade Mission Trip went very well. A great deal of painting, hammering, and cleaning took place at Camp Yorktown Bay by our students. We appreciate your support. We are continuing to accept donations for this project. If you want to learn more about OAS, please stop by our school office for a visit. You can also call us at 479-279-8700. Reach us online on Facebook, Instagram and our website at OzarkAdventistSchool.Org. Happy Sabbath!
Today’s Activities will begin this afternoon at 3:00 p.m. with horseback riding, trees swings, and Bible Scavenger hunt. After that we will meet back at 5:30 p.m. for a chili/hot dog supper and vespers at 6:30 p.m. around the bonfire. Come and plan to stay for entire day.