Next All Church Fellowship Meal will be on Oct. 5. Bring plenty of food to share
A Harvest of Blessings Tree Each week each family brings suggested items to their Sabbath School class. A designated class member will take the collected items and place them under the Harvest Tree on the sanctuary stage. Your participation will be appreciated to help those in need. See your bulletin insert for the specific items to bring each week.
Come Let Us Sing for Joy Come Join us for music and fellowship this afternoon, Sept. 21, from 3:00-5:00 p.m. at Robert and Judy Fetters house. (14249 Killarney Drive, Siloam Spring, AR) If you would like to sing a solo, or sing with a group, play an instrument, read a story or poem, or participate in some way, contact Judy Fetters at 804-874-9430. Also, if you would like to bring a lawn chair or blanket to sit on, that would be great! Hope to see you there!
Pastor Appreciation is coming up in October. This is your chance to show how much we appreciate our pastors. Mark your envelope ‘Pastor Appreciation’.
Game Night on Sat night Sept. 28 at 6:45 p.m. Vespers and games in the Youth Center. Bring snacks of your choice to share. All are welcome.
Women in Ministry Retreat on Oct. 25-27 at the Embassy Suites in Rogers. 3303 S. Pinnacles Parkway. Registration deadline is Sept. 25. If you need more information of the full program and fees, please pick up a brochure on the greeters stands or call Dona Young at 479-957-4739.
Calling all Deaconesses! Please plan to attend a brunch meeting on Oct. 6, in the gym at 10:00 a.m. We have some wonderful men volunteers willing to flip us some pancakes and scramble us some eggs! Please bring your favorite pancake toppings to share. We would also like everyone to bring $2.00 for a mission project. Please remember that God has blessed all of us with different gifts, and we all need each other in order to be a success and a blessing to our church and community. Hope to see everyone there!
Springtown Fall Roundup Oct. 3-5 “Walk with Christ” Featured speakers will be Mike and Lynn Ortel and Musical Guests – Master’s Voice. Full details on FACEBOOK at Springtown Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Mission Trip Heritage Tour this year promises to be an excellent learning opportunity for our Junior’s, and includes destinations that will lead to a deeper understanding of our nation’s development and history. The students are looking forward to learning new things, checking out new destinations, and spending time with friends as we study on the road. We will leave the evening of October 12.
We would like every student to be able to go and have some who are struggling to be able to pay for their trip. If you would like to help, you may make a tax deductible contribution by designating the funds go to Mission trip account and specify for "Heritage Tour." You may also contact the business office at OAA. It is a real blessing to be able to partner with our church members and we appreciate your involvement. Contact: David Baldridge 208.258.5737 cell
From Ozark Adventist School: Next week we will have Iowa Assessments for grades 3-8. Please keep our students in your prayers. As always, we invite you to learn more about OAS, stop by our school office for a visit. You can also call us at 479-279-8700. Reach us online on Facebook, Instagram and our website at OzarkAdventistSchool.Org.
Happy Sabbath!
Morris Maxwell a long time resident and member of the Gentry church passed away at the age of 94 in Florida. Keep the family in your prayers!
Card Shower for Helen Anderson Helen is celebrating her 89th birthday on Sept. 28. Her family would love to give her the biggest card shower ever. Please send your birthday wishes to:
Helen Anderson
c/o Gwyann Anderson
2135 Clover Leaf School Road
Belleville, IL 62223
Thank you for making our mom’s day special!
Special Thank You
Outdoor Church and Social
I want to thank God for the beautiful weather and His protection. Thank you to the family & friends of those who years earlier sacrificed to provide such a beautiful park, like the pavilion. I received many words of appreciation from several of our church family, ranging from our youngest members to some of our oldest members. Events like this require the work of many hands, but I would like to mention a few, who without their willingness to help, our experience would have been quite different. Thank you to Don & Irene Gilbert for hosting us at their farm. Storie Giddings & Jonathan Franco and Campus Ministries workers for the decorations, set up & tear down, church service and vespers, and moving the sound system to the Gilbert’s. Leo Nash, his family and friends, for providing the horses to ride, supervising the horse activity, providing helmets and even walking and leading horses so even our youngest church family members could enjoy the horses. Leo & Sandy Nash for letting us barrow all the hay that was needed. Dennis Brinegar, Trey Beierle and all those that helped with the rope swing activities. Donald Upson for his planning and leading out with Dan Griffith with the food transporting and set up. Thank you to the café workers for all they provided for our meals. Jim Bieber Sr., Travis Pendergrass & George Robinson for driving their tractors and pulling trailers. Jim Bieber Jr. for maintaining the church grounds so nicely. Robert Swanson and the deacons for having a work bee the Sunday before to prepare the valley. Andrew Harris for his technical help at the bond fire. The church family who brought brownies, cookies, fresh tomatoes and chili to make our time together so enjoyable. Thank you social committee members for planning these events. May we continue to make an effort for organized social events to have a greater appreciation for each other, God Bless!
Ken Hanson
Social Committee Leader