Harvest Tree Next week Oct. 3, please bring stuffing mix, boxed potatoes, and macaroni and cheese. When you arrive there will be a table by each door for you to put your items.
Jeanette Pettey Bible Study Group and also all October Birthdays - You are invited for a get together on Sabbath afternoon, Oct. 10, in the Community Room. Come around 5:00 p.m. to visit with Jeanette, who will be in the area for a few days. Bring sandwiches and salad for a light supper.
Labels The only ones that we are accepting will be the Worthington/Loma labels and Cedar Lake. Make sure the bar codes show on the labels you turn in. We no longer are accepting Campbell soup labels or box tops.
Thank you Check the table in the hallway for completed projects from the first Women’s Ministry event last Sunday. We had a great time creating our projects. Classes will resume on Sept. 20 and 27 at 1:00 p.m. at the home of Dona Young
For Your Calendar Women’s Ministry is planning a retreat on Sabbath Nov.14 at the Youth Center. Watch for further information to come. There will be no charge for this event.
Prison Ministry needs your used copies of the Signs of the Time magazine. We have a neat and secure way of blocking out your name and address so please do not cut it out nor use a felt tip pen to do that. You may leave the magazines at the church office or on a chair on Ella Fisher's front porch. Thank you very much.