Next All Church Fellowship Meal will be on Oct. 5. Bring plenty of food to share.
A Harvest of Blessings Tree Every week till Nov. 23 each family is encouraged to bring the suggested items to put under our harvest tree. During the Kids story time the items will be collected. Your participation will be appreciated to help those in need. Next week bring Stuffing Mix, Boxed Potatoes and Macaroni and Cheese.
Men’s Outing If you are college age and older and would like to hike and participate in an outdoor Sabbath outing, come join us on Sabbath Oct. 5 at Lincoln Lake. Bring a sack lunch and enjoy God in nature. For questions contact Burt Waggoner at 509-979-5997,
or the church office 479-736-8808. Meet at the Pathfinder building at 9:00 a.m. next Sabbath morning-Oct. 5.
Pastor Appreciation is coming up in October. This is your chance to show how much we appreciate our pastors. Mark your envelope ‘Pastor Appreciation’.
Game Night on Sat night tonight Sept. 28 at 6:45 p.m. Vespers and games in the Youth Center. Bring snacks of your choice to share. All are welcome.
Calling all Deaconesses! Please plan to attend a brunch meeting on Oct. 6, in the gym at 10:00 a.m. We have some wonderful men volunteers willing to flip us some pancakes and scramble us some eggs! Please bring your favorite pancake toppings to share. We would also like everyone to bring $2.00 for a mission project. Please remember that God has blessed all of us with different gifts, and we all need each other in order to be a success and a blessing to our church and community. Hope to see everyone there!
Wedding Shower for Blaine and Samantha Miller, On Sunday, Oct. 27 from 4:00 - 6:00 pm in the Gentry SDA Church Community room. They were married on September 19, 2019. They are registered at Target and Bed Bath and Beyond.
Mission Trip Heritage Tour this year promises to be an excellent learning opportunity for our Junior’s, and includes destinations that will lead to a deeper understanding of our nation’s development and history. The students are looking forward to learning new things, checking out new destinations, and spending time with friends as we study on the road. We will leave the evening of October 12.
We would like every student to be able to go and have some who are struggling to be able to pay for their trip. If you would like to help, you may make a tax deductible contribution by designating the funds go to Mission trip account and specify for "Heritage Tour." You may also contact the business office at OAA. It is a real blessing to be able to partner with our church members and we appreciate your involvement. Contact: David Baldridge 208.258.5737 cell
Mark Your Calendar for the OAS Elementary School Program “Great Big God” Wed. evening, Oct. 9, at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. Come and support our children. They work very hard for these programs.
Come and Go Wedding Shower for Blaine and Samantha Miller, On Sunday, Oct. 27 from 4:00 - 6:00 pm in the Gentry SDA Church Community room. They were married on September 19, 2019. They are registered at Target and Bed Bath and Beyond.
Adventist Book Center Delivery Direct 2 You service will come to Gentry on Tuesday, Oct. 15, between 3:15-3:45 p.m. The deadline to place an order is Oct. 10. If you wish to see our food and monthly sales you can go to
From Ozark Adventist School: Corn Dogs are going to be sold for $1.50 each by our Home and School on Friday, Oct. 4 4th at 12:00 p.m. in the Youth Center. If you want to order by the dozen, pre-order by calling Samrina Cox at 479-220-2184. On Oct. 9 at 7:00 p.m. you are invited to our Fall Concert 'GREAT BIG GOD' in the Gentry SDA Church. You won't want to miss it! Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and our website at OzarkAdventistSchool.Org for the most up to date information. Happy Sabbath!
Alma Church Disaster Fund If you would like to donate $20 to the Alma Church disaster fund you will receive a T-shirt. See more details on the bulletin board for the signup sheet.