Church Service and Fellowship Meal We will be having services at our church on Sabbath, Oct. 6, but the fellowship meal will be cancelled. Our next fellowship meal will be on Oct. 20.
Game Night tonight, Sept. 29, at 6:45 p.m. at the Youth Center. Plan on vespers, basketball, volleyball, table games. Snacks are always appreciated if you would like to bring some to share.
Prayer and Fasting, We are encouraging all members to fast and pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit every Wed. Come at 7:00 p.m. to study the book, Steps to Personal Revival. If you need a book contact John and Joyce Marter. This is in preparation for the “Appearing” Evangelistic Meeting revival beginning Oct. 11. “They (people of God) should set aside days for fasting and prayer. Entire abstinence from food may not be required, but they should eat sparingly of the most simple food.” CD 189.
Church Directory If you would like a church directory you may call the church office (479-736-8808) to order one. Cost for printing will be $3.00.
Thank You to everyone that contributed to the God’s House project. We will be purchasing our new chairs and carpet very soon.
Upcoming “Appearing” Meetings will start on Thursday night, Oct. 11 at 7:00 p.m. In the Community room. Invite a friend for this special event.
Springtown Fall Roundup “Unleashing Holy Imagination” Thursday Oct. 4 – Sabbath .Oct. 6. See poster on the bulletin board, or go to for more information.
Next Women’s Eat Out event will be on Nov. 8. Watch for more details.
Corn Dog Home and School Fundraiser on Friday, Oct. 5. We prefer pre-orders only. Please call Samrina Cox at 479-220-2184. The orders can be picked up at the Youth Center at noon on Fri.
Pastor Appreciation is coming soon (Oct. 13). We have a special fund for this event if you would like to contribute to show your appreciation. Mark your tithe and offering envelope “Pastor Appreciation.”
No Women’s Ministry Event for Oct. due to Springtown Fall Round up on Oct. 6.
Adventist Book Center D2U Gentry Delivery If you wish to place an order call the ABC 800-333-1844. If you wish to see our food list and monthly sales you can go to Deadline to place an order for this delivery will be Oct. 11. We will arrive at the Gentry Church on Tue., Oct. 16, between 3:15 and 3:45 p.m. The next delivery will be Feb. 5, 2019