Next All Church Fellowship Meal will be on Sept. 15. Please bring plenty of food to share.
Physical Plant Meeting will meet on Sunday evening, Sept. 16, at 6:00 p.m. All members are encouraged to attend.
Pastor Appreciation is coming soon (Oct. 14). We have a special fund for this event if you would like to contribute to show your appreciation. Mark your tithe and offering envelope “Pastor Appreciation.”
Pettey Bible Study Group will meet on Sabbath afternoon, Sept. 15, at 3:00 p.m. For more information call 479-238-3307.
Prayer and Fasting, We are encouraging all members to fast and pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit every Wed. Come at 7:00 p.m. to study the book, Steps to Personal Revival. If you need a book contact John and Joyce Marter. This is in preparation for the “Appearing” Evangelistic Meeting revival beginning Oct. 11. “They (people of God) should set aside days for fasting and prayer. Entire abstinence from food may not be required, but they should eat sparingly of the most simple food.” CD 189.
Game Night in the Youth Center tonight, Sept. 8, at 7:15 p.m. We will begin with vespers with basketball, volleyball, and table games to follow. Bring snacks to share. All ages are welcome!
Dinosaurs/Creation David Stair representing the Dinosaur museum at Southwestern Adventist University will be at Ozark Elementary School Friday, Sept. 14, Ozark Academy, Fri., Sept. 14, at 7:30. Springtown Church, Sat. Sept. 15, for Sabbath School, and Pioneer Fellowship Sabbath evening, Sept. 15, at 6:30.
Arkansas Louisiana Conference Teen Leadership Training Conference is scheduled for the weekend of Sept. 28-30 at Camp Yorktown Bay. Registration is open to any and all teens ages 13-19 years who wish to build their leadership skills. Guest speaker will be LoAmmi Richardson of “SALT Ministries.
Thank You so very much for the loving recognition you gave me. It was definitely unexpected and over the top! It has been such a blessing being able to join hands as we witness God bringing it all together. Looking forward to seeing what he has in mind for our next venture. Marian Parson
LIVE WALK-THROUGH NATIVITY, December 14 & 15 Ozark Academy will be presenting a live walk-through nativity again this year. It will be held on the academy campus on Friday, December 14 from 6-9 PM and also on Sabbath, December 15 from 2-5 PM. This will be a fully costumed cast of a hundred or more participants complete with a wide variety of animals to create the ambience of Bible times. Guests will be led by a tour guide from scene to scene learning about the history, background and story of Jesus birth, ministry, sacrifice on the cross and lastly ending with His resurrection.
This is meant to be an outreach for our fellow church members as well as our local community as we present the Christmas story. We had approximately 600 people walk through the nativity last year and hope to build a family Christmas tradition in the community as we present this story of Jesus’ life.
There are many ways you could be involved — building a scene/set, helping with electric work, calling local newspapers or radio stations, making and serving cookies, organizing costumes, assisting with parking or serving refreshments — just to name a few.
If this is something you have an interest in, please join us at our first organizational meeting on Sunday, September 16 from 6-7 PM in the Ad Building at the academy. If you are not able to make it to that meeting but would still like to participate in some way, please feel free to call or text Judy Fetters at (804)874-9430.
Any little bit helps— there is no job too big or too small. I am sure that God will bless our efforts as we seek to share the true meaning of CHRISTmas with our brothers and sisters.