Next all Church Fellowship Meal will be Mar.3. Thank you to Eugenia Mayen and her team for coordinating the fellowship meal.
Arkansas Louisiana Couples Retreat will be Mar. 9-11. Flyers and application forms are on the greeter’s stands.
Social Committee Event on Sat. night, Mar. 10 from 7:00-10:00 p.m. at the OAA Gym. Everyone is invited to come and participate in table games, and volleyball. There will also be ice cream and fruit smoothies.
Women’s Bible Study on Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. at Jeanette Pettey’s home. We will be starting a new Daniel and Revelation study from the Voice of Prophecy. Please come and join us.
Women’s Ministry Special Guest on Mar. 3 will be Heather Quintana, editor for the magazine, Vibrant Life, the oldest health magazine in the nation. She is also author of Momentum, a daily devotional published in English, Spanish, and Romanian. She is featured in multiple magazines and websites, and a graduate Andrews University Seminary. Come at 2:00 p.m. today, You will not want to miss this special presentation.
Thank You To my brothers and sisters, my grateful appreciation for your prayers for me during a frightening health crises. I have confidence that God is showing His gracious mercy as an acknowledgement of your prayers. I am so thank for all of you.
Carole Darmody
Pettey Bible Study will meet on Sabbath, Mar. 10, at 3:00 p.m. at the Pettey home. Please bring Last Day Events book. For more information call 479-238-3307.
Save Your Labels Save the labels from the cans of Worthington/Loma Linda, and Loma. The company gives $.25 for each label and Cedar Lake give $.05 for each label. Do not save the frozen food labels. Also, save box tops for Education. The money for the labels goes to the for conference a special project. The Box Top labels go to the elementary school. Please leave on the greeters stand or bring to the church office or give to Cathy Lambert in the Kindergarten room.
‘Chosen To Be Messengers’ Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana Youth Federation presents Armando Miranda, Jr., NAD Youth Associate as speaker at Camp Yorktown Bay, April 13-15, 2018. Early bird registration until Mar. 5. $55 includes registration, T-shirt, lodging and meals. For ages 14-25. Registration online at
Assisting Individuals in Crisis Learn how to assist individuals in crisis and help survivors how to handle grief following traumas. If you are interested in this class, it will be taught at the Little Rock SDA Church on Mar. 17 and 18. See the bulletin board for more information.
ASI Southwest Chapter Spring Retreat will be at the Gentry Church, Mar. 22-25. Please join us for a weekend of spiritual and physical revival and restoration.
-Powerful sermons on current events
-Tips to achieve renewal physical health
-A tour of Wellness Secrets Lifestyle Center
-Daily United Prayer Sessions
-Music, Testimonies, and More!